Our members serve as your points of contact throughout campus. For more information about the role of each member, see our Constitution and Bylaws. To volunteer for a vacant position, email staff@hartford.edu.
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Executive Board
Chair—John Strand
Vice Chair—Erica Schermerhorn Light
Secretary—Minta White
Treasurer—Cindy Oppenheimer
Communications Director—Brian Verderosa
Special Officer
Grievance Officer—Vacant
Community Representatives
Athletics—Denise Marchese
Barney School of Business—Khalia Whyte
Bates House—Robin Hart
Beatrice Auerbach Computer and Administrative Building—Brian Lehan
College of Arts and Sciences—Jon Larsen
College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions—Margaret Reynolds
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture—Allison Poulin
Development & Alumni Affairs—Erica Schermerhorn Light
Facilities and Operations—Vacant
Gengras Student Union—Dina Morris
Harrison Libraries—Taylor St. Pierre
Hartford Art School—Marsha Gaulin
The Hartt School—Jillian Cote
Hillyer College—Ryan Gorneault
Office of Marketing and Communication—Vacant
Public Safety—Ann Smith
Residential Life—Clarissa Terra
Members At-Large, Exempt—Jillian Cote
Member At-Large, Non-Exempt—Theresa Pilch and Danielle Kendall
Delegates represent the Staff Council on University committees and other groups.
Benefits Task Force—Desirée Kleykamp and Edith Ouellet
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force—Amanda Trothier
Faculty Senate—Danielle Kendall
Resources Planning & Priorities Committee (RPPC)—Pam Masi and Khalia Whyte
Fundraising—Erica Schermerhorn Light
Hospitality—Jillian Cote, Danielle Kendall, and Theresa Pilch
Nominating—On hiatus
Ways & Means—On hiatus