
COVID-19 FAQ: Library Procedures

library upper level shelves and seating

The safety of library staff and members of the University of Hartford community is our highest priority.


To help protect the health and safety of all, we expect that everyone who visits or works in the libraries will abide by the requirements of the University's Health & Safety Guidelines.

Visiting the Libraries

I'm in quarantine/isolation. How can I use library materials?

We can help you access materials by scanning selected pages, designating someone else to pick up items for you, and more. To discuss your options, contact the appropriate librarian below.

Mortensen Library materials:
Taylor St. Pierre (, 860.768.4397)

Allen Library materials:
Tracey Rudnick (, 860.768.4840)

I'm an alum/community member/other user. Am I allowed to visit the library?

Yes! But if you are unaffiliated with the university, please make an appointment with us first. Contact Mortensen Library (860.768.4142,, Allen Library (860.768.4491,, or chat with us (yellow "Ask Us" tab at the right of your screen).

Where can I study in the library?

All public areas of the library are open at this time, including study tables and rooms.

How much (or how often) will the library be cleaned?

Our custodial teams will be cleaning throughout the building every day.

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Face Masks

Do I have to wear a mask?

In most library spaces, no, unless you have been directed to wear one by Health Services or the COVID-19 Response Team, in keeping with the University's current Face Coverings Policy.

Will library staff wear masks?

For the time being, staff are not required to wear masks. If you'd like us to wear one while helping you, please don't hesitate to ask!

If I forget my mask, can I get one at the library?

Yes. We have a small supply of masks and are happy to provide you with one.

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Food and Drink

May I have food or drink in the library?

Yes, but please be considerate of other library users. Place waste in trashcans, wash your hands before handling library materials, and alert library staff of any spills so we can get them cleaned.

Keep in mind others may prefer you to keep your distance. If possible, choose a socially-distanced location while eating.

Will Starbucks® be open?

Yes! Starbucks will be open during the semester for dining and carry out. See Starbucks hours.

Will water fountains be available?

Regular "bubbler" water fountains are available on the main and upper floor of the building. One bottle filler is also available, on the main level near the elevator, so you can fill your own covered container.

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Using Physical Materials

How can I get materials but minimize my potential exposure in the library?

To reduce your time in the library, we can pull materials for you in advance with our Holds service, or scan articles and book chapters with our ScanIt @ Hartford service. We can also help you search for materials via email, phone, online chat, or virtual meeting (Zoom, Teams, etc.).

To further reduce your time at the service desk, we can check out your Takeout items in advance, for a nearly contactless visit. Please contact the appropriate library to request this:

Mortensen Library (most subjects)

 Allen Library (music and dance)

Does the library sanitize materials?

Library items will not be sanitized or quarantined upon their return. Research has shown that COVID-19 transmission via surfaces is rare, especially via porous surfaces like paper.

What should I do if I can't come in to return my library materials?

You may be able to renew items for more time. Call us (860.768.4264) or log into your account to check due dates and renew online. (Log in, click on "Checked Out" to see a list of items and due dates, then click the circular arrow for each item you wish to renew.)

If you cannot (or don't wish to) renew your items, it's okay to have a friend or family member return them for you. You may also mail your materials to the appropriate library:

Mortensen Library 
University of Hartford 
200 Bloomfield Ave 
West Hartford, CT 06117

Allen Library 
University of Hartford 
200 Bloomfield Ave 
West Hartford, CT 06117

If you can't renew or return materials, we may be able to make alternate arrangements with you. Contact the appropriate librarian to discuss options:

Mortensen Library materials:
Taylor St. Pierre (, 860.768.4397)

Allen Library materials:
Tracey Rudnick (, 860.768.4840)

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Other Library Resources and Services

How do I use online library resources?

To find e-books, search our catalog for your desired title or topic. Use the filters (left side of search results page) to choose "Owned by: Online Resource" and "Format: Books."

To find online databases (for articles, reference materials, streaming audio/video, etc.), use our Database Locator. Select your desired subject from the drop-down menu near the top of the page.

For help finding and using resources, contact a research librarian.

If you're accessing resources from off campus, you will be prompted to log in with your university email address and password, plus second authentication via text, phone, or app. If you're on campus, connected to the university's wired or wireless internet, you can access any of the online resources without logging in. For help with access, see our Off-Campus Access page.

Are there any COVID-related changes to course reserves or library instruction?

We are offering all services as usual. Additionally, we are able to provide virtual or hybrid instruction sessions via Zoom or other software. See Course Reserves or Library Instruction for more information.

How can I get research help without coming to the library?

Use our online chat service (Click the yellow Ask Us tab at the top right of your screen), or contact a research librarian directly via phone or email. We are also happy to schedule a virtual meeting over Zoom, WebEx, or other meeting software.

Mortensen Research Librarians (most subjects)

Allen Research Librarian (music, dance, theatre)

Tracey Rudnick


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