Khunn Egga (Edgar) Oo ’23, an audio engineering technology major and digital media technology minor from Myanmar, says UHart offered the program that he exactly wanted and needed for his career goals. He heard about UHart through one of his high school teachers, who recommended the school for those interested in music. The audio engineering technology program was the perfect fit because he always had an interest in music and sound.
Oo says, as an international student, UHart always made him feel comfortable as everyone seemed to be interested of who he was and where he was from. “My friends never made me feel like I was a stranger who just arrived to America, but rather just another friend—and that helped for sure,” he says. Oo has enjoyed his time at UHart thus far as it is a smaller University compared to other institutions, which makes it feel more like a community to him.
Being a small campus, Oo has benefited from the small class sizes, allowing him to build strong connections with his faculty. He is especially appreciative of his faculty members Kenneth Shelley of University interdisciplinary studies and David Shuman of audio engineering technology, who were flexible, understanding, and helpful this year when Oo was forced to move back home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. He says Shuman even went above and beyond to ensure he had the resources he needed to succeed in his courses this year while learning remotely.
Oo notes how helpful it is that many of CETA’s programs offer complementary lab and lecture classes for a course. He says he has benefited greatly from the lab class as it has helped him become more comfortable with hands-on projects and apply what he is learning. Even while he is currently taking classes remotely, he is still able to use software to conduct and simulate these labs and projects. This practice is helping to develop his skills using new software, thinking critically, and solving problems.
Oo notes the impact that student clubs and organizations have made on his experience at UHart, helping him develop connections inside and outside the University and gain even more hands-on experience outside of his classes that he can add to his résumé. He is currently a member of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) and RedTail Records, UHart’s official record label. Oo enjoys meeting students outside of his classes and major to explore his love for music and sound.
“The Audio Engineering Society allowed me to get access to many opportunities, such as the AES tradeshow in New York and the Telefunken Factory Tour, which I would have never imagined was possible before attending this University,” Oo states. “RedTail Records also allowed me to experience studio time, which I found so valuable as it helps me better understand concepts I learn in class.”
Khunn Egga (Edgar) Oo ’23, Audio Engineering TechnologyMy high school was small, so this University resembles that environment, which made it easier for me to fit in. My favorite part of the University as an international student is the campus itself, which almost feels like a park during the weekends and at night. That alone helps me calm down when I am stressed or anxious. I wanted to pursue something related to music, however, I didn’t have the creative brain to make music from scratch. Pursuing the audio technology engineering program at UHart was a better fit as I have an ear to make sounds sound ‘better’ and want to explore more of the back end of how to make this happen.