Michael Barzach ’21, an acoustical engineering and music major in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA), has secured a job as a General Engineer at the U.S Department of Transportation's Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. He earned this position as a result of the internships he had as an undergraduate. They prepared Barzach to enter the workforce upon graduation. He says, "UHart has helped to prepare me both academically and professionally for a job in a research and testing environment."
Prior to landing his permanent position, Barzach interned at the same company for which he will be working. “A day working at Volpe can range from meetings with technical experts/project managers to analyzing aircraft and traffic noise and everything in between,” he says. “I have had the privilege of working on projects sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, National Park Service, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, and others. All interns were also assigned a mentor and mine happened to be recent Hartford alumni Sophie Kaye ’19. Sophie was a huge part of my summer experience and is a very valuable and supportive mentor.” Barzach says that during this internship he gained new skills while also getting to apply what he learned during his time in CETA.
Over the summer of 2019, he worked as an acoustical intern at Longman Lindsey. The company is an independent acoustic consultancy in New York. There, Barzach had the opportunity to work on real-world applications of the core acoustic concepts he has studied in his classes at UHart. He says the mentorship from Longman Lindsey professionals (including many UHart alumni) helped him grow professionally and academically.
Michael Barzach ’21, acoustical engineering and musicI transferred to University of Hartford after losing passion for a different major at another school. UHart offered opportunities to get involved with my interests and I quickly found the Acoustical Engineering and Music program had everything I was looking for. While most acoustical engineering programs are for graduate students, the undergraduate program here has prepared me well for both my internships and my future.

Barzach says he has always been inspired by the past and future growth of acoustics and how it can be applied to all aspects of life. “There is a lot of interesting acoustics research that is just getting started on some really cutting-edge technology, so I see now as a good opportunity to get involved in the industry.”
Barzach credits many acoustics faculty, including Bob Celmer, professor and program director of the Acoustical Engineering and Music program; Associate Professor Eoin King; Assistant Professor Christopher Jasinski; and Applied Assistant Professor of Engineering Phil Faraci. “These professors helped me get to where I am academically and professionally. Dr. Celmer has been especially helpful in navigating the wide field of internships and narrowing it down to fit my interests and future goals.”
Along with academics, Barzach was very involved in clubs related to acoustics at UHart. He served as the president of the Acoustical Society of America UHart chapter during his senior year.
When asked what advice he would share with incoming students, Barzach recommends reaching out to upperclassmen and recent alumni. “In my experience, they have always been more than willing to give insight, provide guidance, and help you expand your network.” He also recommends reaching out to your advisor or professors early on and letting them know your interests and goals. “Professors can be amazing resources for navigating the field you are about to enter,” he says.