As the community arm of the University of Hartford’s Hartt School, the mission of HCD is to enrich lives through innovative and unparalleled performing arts education. Our diverse programming provides a comprehensive educational and artistic experience for students of all ages and abilities.
If you believe the arts can change lives, please consider supporting our students.
There are many avenues of giving:
- If you are considering making a general gift to HCD, please use the below form and select 'Other' and write in 'HCD.'
- Our Fund for Access is a need-based fiancial assistance program, in which 20% of our students receive financial aid. Consider donating today.
- You can also explore our other giving opportunities that provide support through financial aid, merit-based scholarships, programs, and special initiatives below, or contact us for questions: call us at 860.768.4451 or email us at

The Fund for Access is a need-based financial assistance program that provides access to high-caliber performing arts instruction to students who otherwise cannot afford it.
Learn more about our Fund for Access here.

HCD's honors program supports merit-based scholarships for students who show great promise in their individual study. Scholarships are awarded based on teacher recommendation, audition, and performance.
Scholarships include:
- HCD Scholarship Fund
- String Honors, Abraham M. Huang Memorial Award and John Jorgensen Memorial Award
- Vocal Honors, Bel Canto Scholarship and Nancy Andersen Vocal Activities Fund
- Piano Honors, Evelyn Bonar Storrs Scholarship and Dr. Watson Morrison Scholarship
- Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Guitar and Harp Honors, Beatrice Sewall Scholarship
- Dance Honors, Francine Goldfarb Scholarship and Dancing Margaret Ashford Scholarship
- Connecticut Children's Chorus, Menhart Family Scholarship
- Chamber Music Honors, Alice Kaiser Chamber Music Fund

Diverse and innovative programming makes us distinctive. Continued exploration and enhancement of these programs is critical to the development of our students and faculty as whole artists.
Program Funds:
- Alice Kaiser Fund, chamber music support
- Connecticut Youth Symphony Program Fund
- David Einfeldt Memorial Fund, Suzuki program support
- Friends of Dance, supports dance productions and programs
- Connecticut Children's Chorus Tour Fund

Serving students and faculty requires appropriate equipment, instruments, facilities, faculty development, and continuous maintenance.
Support Funds:
- Community Division Activities Fund, supports investment in all aspects of the school, most notably in the areas listed above
- Dance Activities Fund
- Friends of Dance (parent boosters)
HCD Parent,The arts are vital to our family. Without the support towards tuition, our children would nor be able to grow up with the gift of this education, a gift that will last a lifetime.