
Joseph Battaglia '04

Joey "Batts" BattagliaJoey "Batts" Battaglia is a high school teacher in the Hartford Public School system who is well known for using music, painting, and other visual arts to connect with students. He has been teaching in Hartford for more than a decade and has twice been nominated for Hartford Public Schools' Teacher of the Year honor (2013, 2016).

Currently, Battaglia teaches American literature, while incorporating a mix of serious conversations about rap, tattoos, and comic books, at Hartford Public High School.

Battaglia often uses his talents to make a difference in his community. With his hip-hop band, Joey Batts & Them, he conducts a six-city tour in Connecticut to raise money for Hip Hop for Homeless. It has brought in $20,000 over the past four years. Working with his student arts club, Battaglia also paints murals throughout the city. His influence as an artist and educator earned him a place on the Connecticut Magazine 40-Under-40 list this year.

Battaglia is also now a filmmaker, having premiered his first film, Roy G. BV, at the Wadsworth Antheneum this year.

Battaglia earned his bachelor's degree from the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions in 2004, majoring in secondary education with an emphasis in creative writing.