
The Libraries' physical collections include books, printed music, journals, CDs, DVDs, and more.
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Our online collections include journals, eBooks, research databases, streaming audio and video, and more.
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The Libraries provide a wide range of services, including library material borrowing, research help, classroom instruction, interlibrary loan, course reserves, and more.
The Libraries provide computers, printers, scanners, listening/viewing equipment, laptops, camcorders, calculators, and more.
More About TechnologyThe Libraries have a variety of rooms and spaces for classes, meetings, group study, and for listening to and viewing audio/visual materials.
More about WorkspacesStaff
The Libraries' professional librarians, paraprofessional staff members, and student workers strive to provide high-quality services and resources to all library users.
Starbucks at the Goodwin Café

Named for Dorothy Goodwin, who was a state legislator and a life member of the Mortensen Library Board of Visitors, Starbucks® at the Goodwin Café is located on the main level of the library, to the left as you enter the front doors. The menu includes beverages, pastries, sandwiches, and more.