Student Move-In

Student move-in is taking place as scheduled Monday and Tuesday. However, please note that students and families who experience travel delays or have concerns following Sunday's snow may arrive outside of their scheduled time slot at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday or Tuesday. Students who need to arrive outside of these hours of 8:30 to 5 during these two days may contact the Office of Residential Life at

Libraries Technology

The Mortensen and Allen Libraries provide a wide variety of technology for use in the library and for checkout. Follow the links below for more information.

Equipment in the Libraries

Accessibility equipment and software
Copying, printing, and scanning
Listening and viewing equipment (CD, DVD, VHS, etc.)

Virtual Reality

There is one virtual reality station on the lower level of Mortensen Library. To use it, check out the headset and controllers from the Mortensen circulation desk on the main level of the building. For more information, see our Virtual Reality LibGuide. For further questions about equipment and software, contact ITS, 860.768.4357.

Equipment for Checkout

Cables and other accessories (Chargers, adapters, green screens, lights, etc.)
Laptops (Some have advanced production software.)
Portable recording equipment (Video cameras, audio recorders, USB microphones, etc.)

Miscellaneous Items

Please inquire at the Mortensen or Allen circulation desk to check out these items, or for information about loan and fines policies for specific items.

See also: Cables and Accessories

Miscellaneous Equipment

  • Wireless computer keyboards and mice (Allen and Mortensen)
  • MIDI keyboards for music (Allen only)
  • TI-89, TI-83, and TI-84 calculators (Mortensen only)
  • Extension cords (Mortensen only)
  • Surge protectors (Mortensen only)

Other Items
These items are available only at Mortensen Library:

  • Whiteboard kits
  • Prayer rugs
  • Wheelchair


All circulating equipment may be checked out by current university students, faculty, or staff. Due dates vary, but equipment must be returned to the circulation desk from which it was loaned. Equipment may not be returned in the book drop outside the library. Patrons accept responsibility for lost or damaged equipment and must replace lost/damaged equipment for its current market value.

Equipment that is 2 weeks overdue is considered long overdue, and will be billed additional fees for (1) the cost of replacing the item and (2) a non-refundable $15 processing fee (covers efforts to retrieve, search for, and replace item). If the equipment is returned, the replacement cost will be refunded, but the $15 processing fee and all daily/hourly overdue fees will still be assessed.

Additional policies may apply—see the Mortensen or Allen policies or ask at each circulation desk for more information.