
IRB Training

CITI Certification

The University of Hartford participates in the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Human Subjects Training Program for the Protection of Human Research Subjects.

Every researcher submitting a research proposal to the IRB must provide CITI certification of human subjects training for themselves and any other researchers participating. This includes student researchers, faculty supervising student research, and researchers from other institutions.

Certification from other training programs (e.g., NIH, NCI) will not be accepted as a replacement for CITI training.

Choose a Curriculum

CITI Program Information

CITI Program Support

Once you have created an account, the next step is to choose a curriculum. This is done by selecting "University of Hartford Courses" and then "Add a Course/Update Learner Groups."

Students doing research as part of a class project generally should select "Students conducting no more than minimal risk research." Faculty and students doing independent research (e.g., an independent study project, graduate level research, honors projects) should select “Social and Behavioral Research or Biomedical Research,” depending on the area of research.