Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) serves as the initial point of contact for faculty and staff seeking external funding for their research. It is the lead office on campus for grant management, working closely with Financial Accounting Services, which oversees post-award financial reporting, and the department administrators in the schools. OSP staff disseminate potential funding opportunities through UNotes and upon request, as well as oversee the grant application process, ensure compliance with university and funder requirements, and provide post-award coordination with Financial Accounting Services. It is OSP that submits applications on behalf of the university and the faculty involved.
View funding opportunities.
University of Hartford Grants, Fellowships and Awards
- Description: Established through a generous gift from Belle K. Ribicoff, a longtime supporter and life regent of the University, this prize recognizes an outstanding junior faculty member-a professor who is in a tenure-track position but is not yet tenured.
- Eligibility: Faculty from any discipline may be chosen for the Junior Faculty Prize. To be eligible, faculty members must be in a tenure-track position but not yet tenured.
- Amount of Award: $10,000
- Number of Awards: One
- Selection Criteria:
- demonstrated commitment to teaching and dedication to continuous improvement in encouraging learning;
- achievement of peer-reviewed acknowledgment for contributions to the discipline, academic, or artistic field for scholarly or artistic endeavors;
- contributions to the service mission of the University, most notably through advising, recruitment, committee work, and/or service learning;
- demonstrated excellence on the basis of either cumulative achievement or a culminating project or accomplishment; and
- significant impacts to career by the prize.
- Application Deadline: First Monday in February
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Provost
- Description: Named for the first president of the University of Hartford and overseen by the Faculty Senate, Coffin Grants offset direct expenses associated with the pursuit of substantive scholarly and creative work. Such expenses may include
- Supplemental travel expenses to a second or third conference, for international travel, or to a conference outside one's discipline. The collegiate dean must contribute their school’s or college’s usual amount of funds for travel.
- Technology (not for routine course development, but for the production of substantive scholarly or creative work)
- Other materials, equipment, and supplies
- Staff assistance on the project
- Adjunct replacement costs for one 3-credit course release for one semester up to $3,500. Any additional adjunct costs exceeding $3500 will be the responsibility of the respective college.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty members, with the exception of faculty who are currently on the Faculty Senate Awards and Nominations Committee or have been awarded a Coffin Grant within the last two academic years.
- Amount of Award: Up to $3,500
- Number of Awards: Variable
- Selection Criteria:
- Description of scholarly/artistic content of the proposal, including quality and merit
- Plan for the completion of the project (appropriate methods, realistic timetable, and feasibility)
- Probability of completion of the project (assessment that the portion of project for which funding is provided will be completed)
- Detailed budget and budget justification
- Justification of the need for course release time, if applicable
- Dean’s and Applicant’s approvals
- An indication of other funding, internal or external to the University, applied for or secured for the same project listed on the form
- If needed, Institutional Review Board approval before monies may be disbursed.
- Deadline: Third Monday in October.
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Faculty Senate
- Description: Named for former President of the University of Hartford and Director of the President’s College, Humphrey Tonkin, this award is given each year to a faculty member who has displayed unusual creativity and innovation in the pursuit of scholarship. It honors a full-time University of Hartford faculty member for scholarly and/or artistic creativity.
- Eligibility:
- Nominee must be a full-time faculty member who has been awarded tenure;
- a faculty member on an extended temporary contract who has been through a tenure-like review;
- a faculty member with a non-tenure track contract with at least six consecutive years of employment.
- Amount of Award: Variable
- Number of Awards: One
- Selection Criteria:
- Letters of support from colleagues within the University from external colleagues should address how the nominee’s scholarship or creative works have contributed to the discipline or field of study and speak specifically to the work(s) that are considered the most important.
- Documentation of quality of the work should include explanations of the indicators of quality noted in the call (e.g., peer reviewed publications, acceptance rejection rates, jury information for exhibits/competitions, commissioned works, copies of reviews for performances, invited presentations, reviews of the nominee’s book or monograph, etc.).
- Deadline: Last Friday in January
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Faculty Senate
- Description: Honoring a full-time University of Hartford faculty member for sustained service to the University of Hartford. Award is given in memory of Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg and is intended to recognize exemplary service and dedication to the concerns of the University, and a willingness to participate fully in University life.
- Eligibility:
- Nominee must be a full-time faculty member who has been awarded tenure;
- a faculty member on an extended temporary contract who has been through a tenure-like review;
- a faculty member with a non-tenure track contract with at least six consecutive years of employment.
- Amount of Award: Variable
- Number of Awards: One
- Selection Criteria:
- Documentation of nominee’s sustained service to the University (i.e. description of service, official role and significant accomplishments)
- Up to four letters of support from colleagues within the University, and up to four from external colleagues
- Deadline: Last Friday in January
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Faculty Senate
- Description: Established in 1979 in memory of the late Roy E. Larsen, former president of Time, Inc., who was a passionate environmentalist and education advocate, the Larsen Award honors a full-time University of Hartford faculty member for excellence in teaching and contributions to University life.
- Eligibility:
- Nominee must be a full-time faculty member who has been awarded tenure;
- a faculty member on an extended temporary contract who has been through a tenure-like review;
- a faculty member with a non-tenure track contract with at least six consecutive years of employment.
- Amount of Award: Variable
- Number of Awards: One
- Selection Criteria:
- excellence in the classroom;
- interest in/impact on the academic success of students;
- and contributions to University life.
- Deadline: Last Friday in January
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Faculty Senate
The Greenberg Junior Faculty (GJF) Grants are internal grant awards intended to promote high-quality scholarship and professional productivity (e.g., research, creative activity) by full-time faculty members who are just beginning their careers. Greenberg Junior Faculty Grants are intended (1) to provide seed funds for scholarly and other projects which may be submitted to outside funding agencies, or (2) to fund worthwhile scholarly or professional productivity activities of a one-time nature. The maximum award is for the amount of two course releases plus up to $2,000 in funding for other expenses (described below).
Funds may be used in the following ways (including, but not limited to):
- Funding to cover the cost of two course releases during the academic year for adjunct faculty salaries and benefits.
- scholarship-related expenses, not to exceed $2,000 including
- Conference expenses
- Technology expenses
- Software purchases
- Student research assistants
- Travel, etc.
Individuals eligible for an award must be full-time tenure-track or clinical/applied faculty of the University of Hartford who will be within their probationary period, but not within their tenure review year, at the time the awarded funds are used. ETC or Clinical/Applied faculty may apply prior to the year of their comprehensive review, but not within the year of that review. It is expected that the grant recipient will remain at the University of Hartford for a year following the conclusion of the award period. Normally, a faculty member will not be eligible for more than two awards within the probationary period.
The selection committee will be chaired by the Assistant/Associate Provost and will consist of four faculty members selected by the Assistant/Associate Provost. Two of those faculty members will be chosen from nominations provided by the Faculty Senate and two will be chosen from nominations by the Council of Deans. All four faculty committee members will have been tenured within the last 5 years.
Greenberg Junior Faculty Grants are awarded for one fiscal year, beginning July 1 of the application year. Unless approved otherwise, all funds must be expended and activities (including travel) completed by June 30 of the following year. Expenditures must be carried out in a manner consistent with the financial policy of the University of Hartford and the University’s fiscal year-end closing schedule; please be aware that deadlines for equipment and other purchases occur well before June 30. As a general guideline, Purchase Requisitions have a deadline in mid-May, and P-Card charges should be submitted by mid-June. Fiscal year end deadlines are posted in May of each year in UNotes with the exact processing deadlines for the respective fiscal year. Special circumstances for expenses or activities that occur outside of the fiscal year of the award need to be made clear in the application. In the case of default situations, such as the applicant is unable to complete the project or leaves the University, unexpended funds will revert to the Greenberg Junior Faculty Grants account.
Complete information page, then submit requested materials as a single PDF file. Care should be taken to adhere to proposal guidelines and to edit the proposal before submission. Proposals that do not follow the guidelines will not be reviewed. Applications must be received by 4:00pm on Friday, February 28, 2025.President Emeritus Walter Harrison Endowed Faculty Development Fund Grants
- Purpose: The President Emeritus Walter Harrison Endowed Faculty Development Fund Grants (HFD Grants) are intended to serve the needs of mid- to late-career faculty and the University of Hartford by supporting significant scholarly efforts. These efforts should advance the career of the faculty member, raise the profile of the institution, and advance the mission of the University of Hartford.
- Award Description: The maximum award is $8,000.00. Each year preference for one award will be for a project in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) that clearly demonstrates an understanding and incorporation of fundamentals of SoTL research. Funds may be used for purposes consistent with the activities of the grant, including but not limited to:
- Course releases
- Summer funding*
- Conference expenses
- Technology expenses not supported by other means
- Software purchases
- Student research assistants
- Statistical/ Data Analysis consultant
- President Emeritus Walter Harrison Endowed Faculty Development Fund Grant Review Committee: The review committee will be chaired by an Assistant/Associate Provost and will consist of the Chair of the Faculty Senate Awards and Nominations Committee; at least one recent winner of the Tonkin or Larsen Award (invited by the Provost); and three Full Professors appointed by the Provost. No more than one member of the committee can be from any of the schools and colleges. Every effort will be made to balance the committee with regard to race, gender, and disciplinary expertise.
- Selection Process And Criteria: HFD Grants are awarded by the Provost upon recommendation by the Review Committee. Criteria used in evaluating proposals include:
- Potential to advance the faculty member’s career
- Potential to raise the public profile of the institution
- Consistency with the mission of the university and college
- Clarity and coherence of the proposal
- Clear goals
- Verifiable outcomes
- Clear methods of assessing success
- Probability of achieving project outcomes
- Budget justification
- Qualifications of the applicant for implementing the project
- Proposal Process And Submission Deadline: Proposals should be submitted by clicking the link below, filling in all requested information, and attaching the complete application in one PDF. Applications must be received by 4 p.m. on March 1, 2025. The applicant’s Dean and Department Chair will be asked to submit letters of approval of the application via the system, including the following points:
- General support of the application
- A statement that the application does not violate the University of Hartford Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
- If the faculty member is requesting release time during the regular academic year, approval of the release
- If internal university support beyond the award is to be provided, assurances of this support must be detailed
- Eligibility: Individuals eligible for an award must be full-time faculty of the University of Hartford who have been awarded tenure or, in the case of ETC or Clinical/Applied faculty, passed the sixth-year or comprehensive review. Faculty members may not receive a HFD Grant in conjunction with a Coffin Grant. Faculty may receive a HFD Grant in conjunction with a sabbatical leave, but only for associated expenses; one cannot receive course releases from both a sabbatical leave and HFD in the same semester. Prior winners of a HFD Grant must wait five years from the year of the award to again apply and be considered.
- Duration of Grant: Grants are awarded for one fiscal year. Unless approved otherwise, all funds must be expended and activities (including travel) completed by June 30 of the year following application. Expenditures must be carried out in a manner consistent with the financial policy of the University of Hartford and the University’s fiscal year-end closing schedule; please be aware that deadlines for equipment and other purchases occur well before June 30. As a general guideline, Purchase Requisitions have a deadline in mid-May, and P-Card charges should be submitted by mid-June. Fiscal year end deadlines are posted in May of each year in UNotes with the exact processing deadlines for the respective fiscal year. Special circumstances for expenses or activities that occur outside of the fiscal year of the award need to be made clear in the application.
- Proposal Format: Complete information page, then submit requested materials as a single PDF file. Care should be taken to adhere to proposal guidelines and to edit the proposal before submission. Proposals that do not follow the guidelines will not be reviewed.
- Description: Honoring a faculty member who is an effective interdisciplinary teacher and scholar; has contributed to the UIS program as a whole, for example, through course development; and is an advocate for interdisciplinary education.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty who have taught in the University Interdisciplinary Studies program. By nomination or self-nomination.
- Amount of Award: $1,000 and medal
- Number of Awards: One or more
- Application Deadline: March
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Provost
- Description: Named for Gordon Clark Ramsey, who served as secretary to the Faculty Senate for 18 years and was an adjunct instructor in English, history, RLC (Rhetoric, Language, and Culture) and the All-University Curriculum, this award honors the work of dedicated adjuncts who have taught and/or teach at the University of Hartford. An award may be given for either of the following:
- Proposed scholarly or creative project related to classroom teaching
- Prior sustained scholarly or creative work related to classroom teaching over several years
- Eligibility: Open to any adjunct or part-time faculty member as defined in the Faculty Senate Bylaws (i.e., one hired under an F3, G3, or F4 contract who has taught or is teaching at the University of Hartford for at least two semesters).
- Amount of Award: $250
- Number of Awards: Three
- Deadline: Fourth Friday in March
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Faculty Senate
- Description: Awards recognize innovative assignments and activities, in or out of the classroom, that positively impact student learning. Faculty who team-teach courses may apply as a team.
- Eligibility: Any full-time faculty member from any school or college regardless of rank or tenure status.
- Amount of Award: $500 in faculty development funds
- Selection Criteria:
- An innovation connected to teaching and learning goals as well as specific evidence of its effectiveness;
- Student evaluations with qualitative comments relevant to the innovation;
- Support letters from the nominee’s chair or colleagues specifically addressing the innovation;
- Preference given to applicants who have not recently received an Innovations in Teaching and Learning Award;
- Preference sometimes given to innovations prioritizing specific current events or university goals, such as greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in the curriculum or further preparation to teach remotely during the pandemic.
- Number of Awards: Up to five
- Application Due: Early May
For more information, email djones@hartford.edu.
- Description: International Center Faculty Grants may be used to internationalize the content of a course, to develop a study abroad component to a course, to present a paper with international content, or to do international research.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty
- Amount of Award: Up to $1,000
- Selection Criteria: Work that can be shown to have immediate impact on students' experiences in the classroom. This includes proposals to purchase teaching materials or to develop the faculty member's knowledge of particular international topics for inclusion in the curriculum.
- Work that improves the international understanding of the campus community.
- Faculty travel for research or presentation at conferences, particularly when this can be shown to foster the international goals of the University and the International Center (e.g., by promoting exchanges, developing new networks, cultivating new student markets or affiliations, etc).
- Development of study abroad components for currently existing courses or other study abroad experiences for students.
- Number of Awards: Up to seven
- Proposals Due: July 1
See current application at International Faculty Grant Program
The Provost’s Office is pleased to announce the following mini grants for the Academic Year 2023-2024:
Grants to Promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging within the Classroom – Due September 15, 2023
Backward Design Across the Curriculum Grants – Due October 13, 2023
Teaching and Learning Grants – Due November 10, 2023
- Description: Faculty members may apply for a one-semester sabbatical or a one-year sabbatical. The sabbatical project should be one that adds to the strength of the University through the professional development of the faculty member.
- Eligibility: Full-time tenured faculty members may submit an application for a first sabbatical leave after having completed their sixth year of service at the University of Hartford. In exceptional cases, full-time faculty members serving on extended temporary contracts (see Section 5.3, Extended Temporary Contracts) may submit an application for a first sabbatical leave after having completed their sixth year of service at the University.
- Amount of Award: As stipulated in the FPM (Section 12.3 [1]), faculty on sabbatical for one semester receive full salary, and faculty on sabbatical for one year will receive 60% of their annual salary.
- Number of Awards: Variable
- Selection Criteria:
- The merit of the proposed project
- How the proposed project will contribute to the strength of the University through the professional development of the applicant
- The clarity and coherence of the proposal
- The probability that the applicant can successfully complete the proposed project
- Proposals Due: To the Collegiate Dean by the second Friday following Labor Day; to the Provost’s Office by third Friday following Labor Day.
Please see current application for detailed timetable at Policies and Forms/Provost.
- Description: To recognize outstanding contributions to teaching and learning by part-time faculty members.
- Eligibility: Any part-time faculty member who has taught at least 30 credits at the University of Hartford
- Amount of Award: $500
- Number of Awards: Up to five
- Selection Criteria:
- Teaching Philosophy;
- At least two forms of evidence demonstrating teaching effectiveness, and
- At least two forms of evidence demonstrating enactment of the stated philosophy
- Deadline: First Friday in October
See Current Application at Policies and Forms/Provost
Faculty Professional Development Funding
- Description: The Provost’s Office of the University of Hartford provides small grants to current part-time faculty for activities and purchases that will enhance the faculty member’s teaching practice.
- Eligibility: All part-time faculty teaching at least one course for the University of Hartford during the semester of application.
- Amount of Award: $250 per semester; no more than two per year.
- Selection Criteria:
- How will the activity or purchase enhance the faculty member’s teaching of courses at the University of Hartford?
- How long has the faculty member been teaching at the University of Hartford?
- Application Process: Submit one-page maximum request including detailed description of activity or purchase with an explanation of the ways activity or purchase will enhance the faculty member’s teaching of courses at the University of Hartford. Include titles of courses taught at the University of Hartford with semesters and CRN’s.
- Deadlines: Requests due by 5 p.m. on first day of classes in Fall or first day of classes in Spring; receipts must be submitted for reimbursement by May 31.
For more information, see application at Policies and Forms/Provost
- Description: The Barney School supports the development of intellectual contributions by providing faculty development funds.
- Eligibility: All full-time tenured, tenure-track and CAT faculty members.
- Amount of Award: Amounts of awards depend on faculty member’s AACSB faculty classification in an effort to serve as an incentive and reward for attaining and sustaining Scholarly Academic (SA), Practice Academic (PA) or Scholarly Practitioner (SP) status: SA $1,500; PA & SP $1,250; IP (Instructor Practitioner) $1,000; and Other.
- Selection Criteria: AACSB faculty classification status.
- Application Process: The above stated funds are available each fiscal year for approved expenses and there is no carryover of unused funds. The faculty member may request payment through the Dean's Office, which includes approval, or may ask approval first, pay the amount and submit the expenses for reimbursement.
- Deadlines: Funds available when annual budget is posted. Funds must be spent in accordance with financial accounting and purchasing guidelines.
For more information, contact the dean’s office.
- Description: The Barney School Summer Grants are intended for targeted curriculum innovations and/or for research projects by faculty.
- Eligibility: All full-time faculty may submit proposals
- Amount of Award: Most grants are $3,000 but a few, supported by restricted endowed funds, are $5,000.
- Selection Criteria: for targeted curriculum innovations and/or for research projects. The Dean appoints external and/or internal reviewers to rank the proposals submitted.
- Application Process: Submit proposal to Dean’s Office in February/March. Proposals are reviewed in April, and winners announced in May. Half of the funds are dispersed when approval is announced in May, with the other half of the funds dispersed upon completion of the project within the stated deadline.
- Deadline: Proposal submission: February-March
For more information, contact the dean’s office.
- Description: The College of Arts & Sciences distributes funding for faculty professional development through departmental budgets.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences.
- Amount of Award: variable, at Chair’s discretion.
- Criteria: For attendance at conferences, supplies and equipment, etc.
- Process: Please see department chair regarding purchasing or reimbursement process.
- Deadline: Funds available when annual budget is posted. Funds must be spent in accordance with financial accounting and purchasing guidelines before May 31.
For more information, see department chair.
- Description: Endowed by alumnus Richard J. Cardin, who enjoyed a highly successful career as an executive in the UPS Corporation, which he credits to his liberal arts undergraduate education in the University of Hartford College of Arts and Sciences, where he majored in English. The mission of the program is to provide improved opportunities for humanities faculty to continue learning throughout their careers.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences working on humanities projects.
- Amount of Award: Up to $2000.
- Criteria: Faculty can use these funds to conduct research and creative activity, present at conferences, attend workshops/conferences, purchase teaching materials or instructional technology, or pursue other activities that enhance the teaching and learning of the humanities..
- Process: Submit to the Dean’s Office a one- to two-page proposal that addresses:
- The nature of the proposed scholarly or teaching activities
- How the proposed activities are aligned with your scholarly/teaching agenda
- The potential for publication or dissemination
- A summary budget and brief budget narrative
- A list of current or prior funding received for these activities, including how departmental faculty development funds will be spent in the current year
- For teaching proposals only:
- The A&S course number and name that will be targeted for enhancement, including who the course serves and the number of students typically enrolled
- Alignment with the University’s strategic plan and/or program, departmental, or college goals
- Any plans for assessing the effectiveness of the innovation, where applicable
- Deadline: October and February. Beginning in 2022-23, the Fall deadline is 4:00 pm on the first Friday in October, and the Spring deadline is 4:00 pm on third Friday in February. Funds must be spent in accordance with financial accounting and purchasing guidelines before May 31.
For more information, email dean’s office.
- Description: Dean’s Research and Teaching Funds are available to support scholarship and innovations in teaching.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences.
- Amount of Award: Up to $2000.
- Criteria: Faculty can use these funds to conduct research and creative activity, present at conferences, attend workshops/conferences, purchase teaching materials or instructional technology, or pursue other activities that enhance the teaching and learning of students
- Process: Submit to the Dean’s Office a one- to two-page proposal that addresses:
- The nature of the proposed scholarly or teaching activities
- How the proposed activities are aligned with your scholarly/teaching agenda
- The potential for publication or dissemination
- A summary budget and brief budget narrative
- A list of current or prior funding received for these activities, including how departmental faculty development funds will be spent in the current year
- For teaching proposals only:
- The A&S course number and name that will be targeted for enhancement, including who the course serves and the number of students typically enrolled
- Alignment with the University’s strategic plan and/or program, departmental, or college goals
- Any plans for assessing the effectiveness of the innovation, where applicable
- Deadline: October and February. Beginning in 2022-23, the Fall deadline is 4:00 pm on the first Friday in October, and the Spring deadline is 4:00 pm on third Friday in February. Funds must be spent in accordance with financial accounting and purchasing guidelines before May 31
For more information, email dean’s office.
- Description: The College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP) distributes funding for faculty professional development through departmental budgets. Some additional funding may be available from the Dean’s Office for those faculty presenting at national or international conferences.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty in ENHP.
- Amount of Award: variable, at Chair’s or Dean’s discretion.
- Criteria: For attendance at conferences, workshops and other professional activities that enhance the faculty member’s work.
- Process: Submit requests to department chair. Requests for additional funds may be made to the Dean’s Office.
- Deadline: Funds must be spent in accordance with financial accounting and purchasing guidelines before May 31.
For more information, see department chair or dean.
- Description: The College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture (CETA) distributes funding for faculty professional development through departmental budgets and the Dean’s Office.
- Eligibility: Full-time faculty in CETA.
- Amount of Award: Variable, at Chair’s or Dean’s discretion or according to departmental policy.
- Criteria: For attendance at conferences, supplies and equipment, etc.
- Process: Complete form available through department chair with details about the request, time away, plans for coverage, and the amount requested. Chair approves or disapproves the request and forwards it to the Dean’s Office with explanations for support or lack of support (departmental policy, availability of funds, advance planning, etc.).
- Deadline: Funds must be spent in accordance with financial accounting and purchasing guidelines before May 31.
For more information, see department chair or dean.
- Description: The Hartford Art School Faculty Development Fund is earmarked for projects that enhance the visibility of the Art School on a regional, national and/or international level. Professional development funding opportunities include costs associated with conferences, exhibitions, and creative or scholarly research. Equipment purchases are not eligible.
- Eligibility: These are one-time funds made available through the Dean’s Office. All Hartford Art School full-time and F-3 studio faculty are eligible to apply.
- Amount of Award: $1500 or less.
- Criteria: Preference will be given to junior faculty, as a show of support, and to faculty whose relationship with the Art School will be continuing the following year – with an overall goal of funding as many proposals as possible. Greater consideration will be given to proposals for future rather than past projects. A separate application is required for each request.
- Process: Applicants should describe the merits of their project, based on both personal professional advancement and the breadth and caliber of the anticipated audience.
- Deadline: October and February
For more information, contact the Dean’s Office.
- Description: Renée Samuels stipends are available to full-time studio faculty for any activity or purchase that furthers the faculty member’s career as a creative artist, teacher or scholar and brings prestige to the Hartford Art School and the University of Hartford. Stipends are available to full-time staff and technicians for activities or purchases specific either to personal creative enrichment in visual arts with an emphasis on creating, or to job skills enhancement.
- Eligibility: Eligible funding purchases and activities include – but are not limited to – research projects, creative works, technical training, publication costs, books, art supplies, art museum admissions, professional organization membership fees, and professionally related travel expenses. Meals, excluding alcohol, will be reimbursed at a rate of no more than $40 per day with an itemized receipt. Air travel may not exceed economy fare.
- Amount of Award: full-time studio faculty – $400; full-time staff and technicians – $200.
- Criteria: see above.
- Process: Submit a maximum one-page proposal to the Dean at any time until April 15th of each academic year with all anticipated expenses for the full amount of the stipend in a single proposal per year. Include date, name and University ID number, detailed description of proposed purchase(s) and estimated costs, explaining their significance to faculty member’s development, and time frame for proposal completion.
- Deadline: Applications due by April 15; receipts must be submitted for reimbursement by May 31.
For more information, contact Dean’s Office.
For more information, contact Dean’s Office.
- Description: The Hartt School will consider funding any professional development and/or creative/scholarly activity that will further the career of a Hartt faculty member as a professional performer, creative artist, teacher, or scholar and will bring prestige to The Hartt School and the University of Hartford.
- Eligibility: All full-time and adjunct members of The Hartt School collegiate faculty.
- Amount of Award: Normally up to $1,000. Any award of $4,000 or more will be designated a Primrose Fuller Faculty Development Grant, and any resulting publications must acknowledge this named grant.
- Criteria: Funds are to be used to support work that will be completed by August 16 of the academic year of application. Priority will be given in this order: Full-time faculty members who are working toward securing tenure and promotion; full-time faculty members who are working toward securing promotion; all other full-time faculty members who are engaged in creative/scholarly projects; full-time, non-tenure track faculty and adjunct faculty who are engaged in creative/scholarly projects.
- Process: Submit a completed application (including all supporting documentation, budgets, etc.) to the Dean at harttdean@hartford.edu. Applications are available by emailing the Dean at harttdean@hartford.edu.
- Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis during the academic year beginning in September.
For more information, contact the Dean’s Office at harttdean@hartford.edu.
Resources for Supporting a Diverse and Inclusive Campus
The University of Hartford is proud to be a member of the North Star Collective. The North Star Collective is part of New England Board of Higher Education’s broader reparative justice initiative, which is committed to restoring, nourishing, and uplifting BIPOC faculty in the region, and supporting leaders as they transform institutions around racial equity. If you are interested in learning more about North Star Collective or becoming a faculty fellow, please contact Jessica Nicklin, Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Research.
The University of Hartford is a member of NCFDD, an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community of faculty, postdocs, and graduate students from over 450 colleges and universities. Programs and services are designed to help scholars increase their research productivity and work-life balance. Please visit Faculty Diversity to activate your membership and gain access to a robust library of professional development and training resources.
Teaching and Learning Resources
The Office of the Provost
Jessica Nicklin
The Office of the Provost is dedicated to supporting University of Hartford faculty and their development throughout their career. Visit this website to learn more about grants, workshops, and awards available to University of Hartford faculty members, as well as resources for teaching and scholarships.