Multiple members of the UHart community have been named recipients of the Connecticut Office of the Arts FY2025 Artist Fellowship Program Awards. The recipients are affiliated with the Hartford Art School and the College of Arts and Sciences, including faculty, staff, and an alumnus. Out of the 84 artists that have been awarded, seven are from UHart.
Hartford Art School Associate Dean of Finance and Administration Robert Calafiore is included in the top 13 Artistic Excellence Awards (out of 430 applicants), and in his words, he is "very excited and grateful.” Receiving awards from HAS in the Artist Fellowship category are Stephanie Lanter (associate professor, ceramics); Marion Belanger (adjunct faculty, photography); and alumnus Caleb Portfolio ’05. Additionally, three individuals from A&S received awards in the Artist Fellowship category—Katherine Owens (chair and professor, Department of Politics, Economics, and International Studies); Erin Striff (associate professor, Department of English and Modern Languages); and Angela Siew (adjunct faculty, Department of English and Modern Languages).
Calafiore also noted that these awards help fund and sustain continued work by Connecticut artists, and that “now, more than ever, support for our creative artists power is essential to help move the world forward to a better, equitable, and more inclusive future.”
The Connecticut Office of the Arts received more than 430 applications and engaged 46 peer reviewers to evaluate the applications. Recipients range across all artistic disciplines of the visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, film, design, etc.