Please join us in Auerbach Hall Room 321 at the University of Hartford or online this Wednesday, February 12, from 1 to 2 p.m. for our next meeting of the University of Hartford Philosophy Club as we read and discuss Our Move Away From Democracy: The Counterfeit Influence of Ayn Rand.
Shared context from the book and for discussion includes:
There should be no doubt about it: for better or for worse, right now we are moving away from democracy, and at a palpable pace. We notice, as well, that there is some celebrating; let no one doubt that what is being celebrated by those celebrating is precisely the move away from democracy. It is something many of us alive now never imagined: that the long, gradual ascent of the democratic movement in modern times has reached a point at which it could finally be stalemated, at least for a time, in places where democracy has been achieving the most promising results; in the most prosperous places; in the most productive places; in the places most free.
To be sure, in World War II, not all foes of democracy came out as losers. Stalin won. Mao was strengthened to the point where he well on his way to creating the largest totalitarian regime in history. It was only four years after that war’s end that he began the People’s Republic of China under the official control of the Chinese Communist Party, which still exists today and is just as totalitarian as ever. But the major Axis countries were brought into the democratic fold in the process.
From that point and for quite a while, the world had been developing democratically, with colonies one by one becoming politically independent. Yes, many of them may have gone from colonialism into neo-colonial economic relationships which hindered their full economic development for years. But now they could talk about it, complain about it, get people arguing about it, get people worldwide to protest and get enough people to care that improvements finally were made. The world, thanks to the democratic movement, was getting smaller. The world, thanks to the democratic movement, was becoming a community.
Right now, we are seeing something close to a stalemate of the democratic movement which has been transforming human life on earth for centuries now. It is vital that we not surrender or let up on the struggle now, especially since having to struggle for democracy is nothing new. Democracy, in fact, is the main defining perennial struggle for our species since its inception. As a perennial struggle, it is not one we decisively win and are over with. If we did, that would be heaven, and history would be over.
Please join the Philosophy Club on Wednesday from 1 to 2 p.m. for further reflection and discussion.
The University of Hartford Philosophy Club has an informal, jovial atmosphere. It is a place where students, professors, and people from the community at large meet as peers. Sometimes presentations are given, followed by discussion. Other times, topics are hashed out by the whole group.
Presenters may be students, professors, or people from the community. Anyone can offer to present a topic. The mode of presentation may be as formal or informal as the presenter chooses.
Come and go as you wish. Bring friends. Suggest topics and activities. Take over the club! It belongs to you! Just show up!
For more information, contact Brian Skelly at or 413.273.2273.