Did you know you can use your HawkCASH to order from your favorite local restaurants on Grubhub? And with your free Grubhub+ Student membership, you’ll enjoy $0 delivery fees through graduation*.
Add HawkCASH here to make your next meal easier (deposits are processed next business day).
How do I sign up for Grubhub+ for students?
You can sign up for Grubhub+ Student by affiliating and adding your campus card to your profile. Once completed, you'll receive an inapp popup that will prompt you to join GH+ Student. Alternatively, you can also Go to Account > Grubhub+ to sign up for your free Grubhub+ Student.
The ID Office/HawkCARD Services is located in CC117 and can answer any questions you may have on this program. idoffice@hartford.edu.
*requires a valid @hartford.edu email address to participate.