
President Emeritus Walter Harrison Endowed Faculty Development Fund Grants

The President Emeritus Walter Harrison Endowed Faculty Development Fund Grants are internal grant awards intended to serve the needs of mid- to late-career faculty and the University of Hartford by supporting significant scholarly efforts. The maximum award is $8,000. Funds may be used to support (including, but not limited to):

· Course releases

· Summer funding (up to $4,500)

· Conference expenses

· Technology expenses

· Software purchases

· Student research assistants

· Statistical/data analysis consultant

Individuals eligible for President Emeritus Walter Harrison Endowed Faculty Development Fund Grants must be full-time faculty of the University of Hartford who have been awarded tenure, or in the case of ETC or Clinical/Applied faculty, passed the comprehensive review. Each year, preference for one award will be for a project in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. A review committee, chaired by the Assistant Provost, will consist of the Chair of the Faculty Senate Nominations Committee, a recent winner of the Tonkin or Larsen awards, and three full professors.

To see complete application deadlines and apply online, see President Walter Harrison Endowed Faculty Development Fund Grant on the Faculty Development web page.

Application Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on March 1, 2025.