The University has moved timesheet entry from the old version in Employee Self-Service 8 to the new version in Employee Self-Service 9.
You can access the instructions for entering time in Self-Service 9 on Payroll's website here.
Supervisors can also find instructions for approving timesheets on this page. It is suggested that all non-exempt biweekly staff, supervisors, and student workers study this documentation to get used to the new version, as it has a fair amount of differences from ESS8.
On Payroll's website at the link provided above, please reference the first dropdown tab on the page "Web Time Entry - Timesheets and Leave" and then "Timesheet: Bi-weekly Staff Only" to access the employee time entry and supervisor time approval instructions.
If you have questions for Payroll because you encounter any issues using the new timesheets, please provide screenshots if possible as this helps us diagnose many of the common issues that users might experience when using the new timesheets for the first time.
Time entry and time approval instructions have also been attached here for your convenience. We have also attached instructions for supervisors to assign a proxy approver for any supervisor who may need a refresh on this process in ESS9 here.