Student Move-In

Student move-in is taking place as scheduled Monday and Tuesday. However, please note that students and families who experience travel delays or have concerns following Sunday's snow may arrive outside of their scheduled time slot at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday or Tuesday. Students who need to arrive outside of these hours of 8:30 to 5 during these two days may contact the Office of Residential Life at

A Conversation on Activism & Advocacy

All students, staff, and faculty members are invited to join a conversation with Althea Bates ’95 (HCW) on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., in Wilde Auditorium.

Dr. Bates, a coach, speaker, consultant, activist, author, podcaster, and creator of Project Resiliency Movement, will share her story of helping to bring the CROWN Act to Connecticut and help everyone find ways to advocate for the issues they are passionate about in their communities and local government.

Please come contribute to the conversation and join us for refreshments afterwards!

This event is co-sponsored by The Women’s Advancement Initiative, The Office of Student Engagement and Inclusion, The Society of Women Engineers, and Strong Independent Sisters.