
UHart Acknowledges Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage/Latinx Month is celebrated each year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. It provides our UHart community with the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the rich histories, cultures, and contributions of Americans whose ancestry can be traced to more than 20 countries in Latin America, including Mexico, Central and South America, and the Spanish-speaking Islands of the Caribbean.

Our diversity at UHart is one of our greatest strengths. By acknowledging Hispanic Heritage/Latinx Month, we celebrate the mosaic of cultures that make our campus unique and vibrant. So, whether you're enjoying traditional Hispanic cuisine, attending cultural events, or simply learning more about Hispanic/Latinx history, let's all join in this important and enriching celebration.

Hispanic and Latinx:

No single term can fully capture the diverse identities and experiences of who ancestral lineage comes from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Terms such as “Hispanic” “Latinx” Latino/a,” and others are contextual and preference-based.

“Hispanic” refers to those who have a cultural or ancestral connection to Spain or Spanish-speaking countries. This term is primarily tied to language and ethnicity. It includes people from Spanish-speaking countries in Europe, Latin America, and other parts of the world. The term “Hispanic” rarely considers gender. Thus, it is often criticized for a lack of inclusivity, as it traditionally uses masculine forms like “Latino” when referring to mixed-gender groups.

“Latinx” is a more inclusive and gender-neutral term that is used to describe people with a connection to Latin America or Spain. It is often used to encompass those of Latin American or Spanish descent regardless of gender identity. It also emerged as a way to challenge the gender binary inherent in the Spanish language and promote inclusivity for people who do not identify as strictly male or female.

In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, join us for the following kickoff event:

Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month Kickoff Festival

Join us to celebrate the beginning of Hispanic Heritage/Latinx Month with food, vendors, music, and more! Meet fellow Hispanic/Latinx students, faculty, and staff, and take a free salsa lesson taught by well-known master teaching artist Rey Bermudez.

  • Date: Wednesday, Sept. 11
  • Time: noon – 2 p.m.
  • Where: GSU Lawn

Sponsored by: The Office of Inclusive Excellence and Belonging and the Hispanic Heritage Month Planning Committee.

Click here for links to educational resources about Hispanic Heritage Month.