Student Move-In

Student move-in is taking place as scheduled Monday and Tuesday. However, please note that students and families who experience travel delays or have concerns following Sunday's snow may arrive outside of their scheduled time slot at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday or Tuesday. Students who need to arrive outside of these hours of 8:30 to 5 during these two days may contact the Office of Residential Life at

Dirty for a Reason Clay Club: New to Clay Day


Visit the Kireble Ceramics Center this Friday, Oct. 4, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., for the Hartford Art School Dirty for a Reason event inviting the Uhart community to try out clay. Learn fundamental techniques from student and faculty demonstrators and try out wheel-throwing and hand-building yourself!

Each attendee will be able to keep two pieces they make that will be fired and glazed with a color of their choice. This event is open to all and will be $5 with advance registration, or $6 at the door.

Register below or follow the QR code on the flyer. 

Questions? Please email