
Katharine Owens Q&A in Harvard Social Impact Review


Katharine Owens was interviewed by Sandy Kresch about her work melding art, science, and policy in the Harvard Social Impact Review. 

The Harvard Social Impact Review is a publication of Harvard’s Advanced Leadership Initiative. The Advanced Leadership Initiative is a fellowship that brings industry leaders to “a year-long immersion in interdisciplinary academic learning, leadership development, and peer-to-peer collaboration to develop a social impact strategy focused on their issue of choice” (source).

The Social Impact Review “bring[s] together diverse stakeholders and perspectives to raise awareness, influence action, and catalyze positive change in addressing the world’s significant social and environmental challenges” (source).

They produce “articles that are grounded in experience and evidence; represent diverse perspectives and voices; inspire and inform solutions or recommendations to effect social change; and are focused on achieving equitable outcomes” (source).

Visit their page to read the full article.