A life-sized portrait of a sperm whale, Connecticut's state animal, was recently hung at Bradley International Airport and will be on display through June of 2024.
The piece is part of professor Katharine Owens' Entangled and Ingested series, through which she creates portraits of animals harmed by plastic pollution by hand-sewing unrecyclable film plastic on canvas. The largest pieces—typically whales and sharks—are made with the public.
See a video of the whale being hung by the staff of Bradley International Airport.
The 60-foot long and 20 foot tall sperm whale was co-created with the public—including many University of Hartford students, faculty, and staff in 2021 and 2022. It was displayed in the Harrison libraries from October of 2022 until spring of 2023.
Visit the whale next time you travel through Bradley Airport.
Learn more about Entangled and Ingested on Katharine Owens' website.