
HAS Professor Ellen Carey Debuts New Work at the Fox Talbot Museum

June 20, 2023
Submitted By: Office of Marketing and Communication

Ellen Carey, associate professor at the Hartford Art School, brings new artwork to the Fox Talbot Museum in England in the exhibit Light Struck.  Carey recently had a profile in The New Yorker in the February issue, which showcased her decades-long career as a practicing artist and tour de force in the photography world. 

The Fox Talbot Museum is also known as the birthplace of photography. Located in England's Lacock Abbey, it was home of William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877), inventor of the first paper negative print. Carey’s exhibition, Light Struck, opened on May 27 and will be on display through March 31, 2024.  It will also be the Fox Talbot Museum’s first exhibition.

Light Struck displays the visual dialogue between Fox Talbot's 19th century photograms from the dawn of photography and 22 artworks Carey created in response. In the exhibition, Carey brings a celebration of light, color, and playfulness. Her photograms and giant Polaroid prints are on display, including a piece Crush & Pull with Hands, Penlights & Spruce Needles created especially for Lacock. This piece is directly inspired by Talbot’s own A Cascade of Spruce Needles photogram.

Carey's unique photo objects and lens-based experimental artworks have been the subject of over 70 one-person exhibitions internationally in museums, alternative spaces and commercial galleries. Carey’s work is in private and public collections worldwide, including Art Institute of Chicago; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, TX; JP Morgan Chase Art Collection, New York, NY; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY; Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT; and Sir Elton John Collection, Atlanta, GA. 

The artist's solo exhibition at the Fox Talbot Museum will coincide with Struck By Light, a two-part solo exhibition at the New Britain Museum of American Art, from July 2023 through January 2024.