Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 Blackboard Courses to be Archived March 16
FCLD schedules purges of older Blackboard courses twice a year, typically in September and in March. This is part of our regular ongoing Blackboard maintenance, and these are academic CRN-based courses that were taught over a year ago, so they are past the deadline for incompletes or grade disputes. On March 16, 2023, all Fall 2021, and Winter 2022 Blackboard courses will be removed from active status on Blackboard. While FCLD has backups of the instructor’s Blackboard content, all student content - discussions, grades, assignment submissions, and any other student data - is not backed up. To download grades from Blackboard, go to Control Center -> Full Grade Center -> Work Offline -> Download. Once the Blackboard course is purged, faculty will no longer have access to student data. If any student content needs to be kept for accreditation or any other reason, faculty should download it prior to March 16.
For FERPA compliance, all Collaborate recordings will also be removed on March 16. Instructors who wish to maintain copies of any recordings that do not contain student input or identifying information should download them before March 16, using these instructions. Once the recordings are deleted, there is no way to retrieve them, and restored Blackboard course archives of instructor content will not include recordings from that course archive.
If faculty have any questions about Blackboard course deactivation or need assistance downloading student content, please contact the Faculty Center for Learning Development (FCLD) at 860.768.4661 or fcld@hartford.edu.