Education Students Expand Their Math Teaching Knowledge at Conference

A group of Education students from the College of ENHP gained valuable career advice at the Connecticut Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Conference on Saturday, Jan. 21. UHart students joined approximately 60 other future teachers from across the state to participate in professional development workshops and panel discussions and build connections with each other.
UHart student participants included:
- Kaitlyn Cummings and Gabriella Kulmacs spoke on a panel about Student Teaching and Achieving Success with edTPA, a teaching assessment process.
- Amarys Miralles-Castro '21, a current fourth-grade teacher at Highland Park Elementary School in Manchester, spoke on a panel about First Year Teaching.
- Megan Mulhern and Gracen Vanderswaag participated throughout the day on the conference facilitating committee, including guiding participants to their sessions using their expertise from working in the UHart Admission office.
- Autumn Deneault was unable to attend but participated in the conference planning committee.
The conference was hosted by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut (AMTEC). Special thanks to ENHP Assistant Professor Jillian Cavanna, who is also president of AMTEC, for making this opportunity available to our students.