Recap of the Department of Architecture and Hillel Sukkah Build

In October, Department of Architecture students completed the building of a sukkah in collaboration with the Hillel Jewish student organization. A sukkah is a temporary, freestanding structure that is constructed for individuals to celebrate the week-long holiday of Sukkot. During the festival, practicing Jews gather to dine with friends and family in the sukkah and engage in prayer.
Under the direction of Ted Sawruk, Associate Professor of Architecture, and Lisa Langsner, Director, University of Hartford Hillel, the design competition included parameters and elements that are specific to this type of structure. The fall 2022 design detailed three walls and a roof that must remain open to the sky.
Timothy Wang ‘24, president of the UHart chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), shared his feelings regarding the project.
“I saw this as an opportunity to have a fun design-build project and something fun to be seen on campus as people walk by. I also collaborated with Kayleigh Luke, another third-year student, to design the sukkah and organize the construction process.”
Together, Timothy and Kayleigh '24 designed the structure to have a lattice-like enclosure with a garden arbor feel. Various student members of Hillel assisted in decorating the structure in preparation for the holiday celebration.
The Sukkah was also constructed with assistance from faculty members Stephen Smith, Graduate Program Director, Theodore Sawruk, Associate Professor, Ryan Schicker, Assistant Professor, and Randy Begin, Adjunct Professor; and students: Timothy Wang, Kayleigh Luke, Kenneth Helmke, Rosario DeVico, Darien Tanner, Peter Catapano, Lauren DeNomme, Andrew Briere, Shirleen Santiago, Carlos Ortiz, Jason Merendino, Vincent Dadamo, and Josh Lavellee.