Thursday, Feb. 6
Due to today's snow and ice, the University of Hartford is closed. Day and evening classes are canceled. Please note that when a campus closing prevents an in-person class from meeting at its scheduled time, professors may opt to conduct classes or provide assignments online. Students should check Blackboard and their email to learn of any alternate arrangements. Online courses are not affected by campus closings. More on weather-related closings.

Architecture Students to Build a Sukkah with Hillel

October 07, 2022
Submitted By: Office of Marketing Communications
Rendering of the Sukkah
A second rendering of the Sukkah on campus

On Saturday, October 8, Department of Architecture students will compete to build a sukkah in collaboration with the Hillel Jewish student organization. A sukkah is a temporary, freestanding structure that is constructed for individuals to celebrate the week-long holiday of Sukkot. During the festival, practicing Jews gather to dine with friends and family in the sukkah and engage in prayer.

The competition parameters include design elements that are specific to this type of structure. The fall 2022 design is pictured on the right, which details three walls that must remain unshaken by a standard, continuous wind.

In the past, students and faculty from a wide variety of religious backgrounds shared that working together to build the sukkah was a pleasant experience and elicited a peaceful, prayer-like atmosphere.