Professor Nagurney Participates in a Disaster Management Collaboration

Ladimer S. Nagurney, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering from CETA, collaborated with 4 other researchers in the US and Italy to investigate using UAVs to extend 5G cellular coverage into disaster areas. The system design includes controller UAVs, which handle requests for various services, and a fleet of UAVs to execute the services. The system design was based on a three-stage stochastic network-based optimization model with the stages corresponding to the phases of disaster management of: preparedness, response, and recovery/reconstruction. The authors presented their results in a presentation entitled, Disaster Management with UAVs and 5G Technology: A Three-Stage Stochastic Network-based Optimization Model, at the International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science organized by AIRO, the Italian Operations Research Society, at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. The conference was held from Aug. 30 to Sept. 2 in Florence, Italy. All 5 co-authors attended the conference.