Linda Zigmont to Retire After 19 Years

After 19 years of service to the University, all of those years in the Office of Marketing and Communication, Linda Zigmont will retire later this month. Linda is the heart of our office and has been a “University mom” to our team, our students, and our community.
As the budget and office services administrator, she has capably overseen the significant operations and budget of the OMC Office, in addition to the Offices of Admission and Student Financial Assistance in recent years. She keeps us on-task and on-budget, always providing personal and professional support with an open door and a smile. She oversaw the University switchboard—the first line of personal communication with many of our audiences—and she has trained and managing large groups of student workers over many years. She has also been an active member of the Staff Council Executive Board and served on the 25Live Committee responsible for University events on our calendars.
Even with all of this responsibility, she is the first to volunteer to take on more or be flexible in her own work to accommodate others in the office or on campus. You can always depend on her to be a listening ear, a steadying hand, or the best baker around. She is infamous for her annual holiday dessert spreads, complete with to-go plates for every student worker. She always takes the time to recognize others and make meaningful connections. She often stays in touch with former colleagues or students long after graduation, reporting on their progress and lives with genuine excitement.
The University’s loss is the gain of her grandchildren and family. She is ready and excited to spend more time with all of them and no one is more deserving than Linda. Please join us in celebrating her many contributions and congratulating her on this exciting new chapter. We will gather for a retirement reception on Wednesday, Sept.14 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the Shaw Center.