
Communicating with Empathy Workshop Sept. 29

September 16, 2022
Submitted By: Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement
Empathy graphic

As a follow-up to the Better Together: Fostering a Culture of Empathy and Respect professional development program, Dr. Lynne Kelly, professor of communication in the College of Arts and Sciences, will lead an interactive, in-person workshop focused on the “how-to” of communicating with empathy. We will consider cognitive, affective, and behavioral elements of empathic communication, including verbal and nonverbal messages, levels of communication, adapting communication to the situation, and skills of active listening, asking questions, and communicating clearly. There will be discussion, group work, and self-reflection activities. 

Join us on Thursday, September 29, 12:45-2pm, to learn about communicating with empathy.  


Register here to join us.  


Questions? Contact Christine Grant, Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement (; 860-768-4220), and/or Lisa Coté, Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (; 860-768-4932). 

Lynne Kelly

More about our facilitator: 


Professor Lynne Kelly teaches courses in group, organizational, and interpersonal communication; communication technologies and relationships; research methods; and a special communication course for shy and apprehensive students. She joined the University of Hartford after earning a B.A. in Speech Education from New York State College at Oneonta, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Speech Communication from the Pennsylvania State University. Her current research interests include communication technologies like email, cell phones, instant messaging and their role in developing and maintaining relationships as well as her career-long focus on the nature and treatment of communication reticence and speech anxiety. She has co-authored four books, has published or presented over a hundred papers on communication topics, and has served on the editorial boards on several communication journals.