Donald W. Davis University Interdisciplinary Studies Award
The University Interdisciplinary Studies Committee is accepting nominations for the Donald W. Davis University Interdisciplinary Studies Award, presented annually to a faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the University Interdisciplinary Studies program.
This award honors a faculty member who:
- is an effective interdisciplinary teacher and scholar.
- has contributed to the program as a whole, for example course development, grants, and relevant publications.
- is an advocate for interdisciplinary education.
Full time faculty who have taught in the University Interdisciplinary Studies program are eligible. Nominations will be accepted from a Dean, Department Chair, colleagues, or self. The University Interdisciplinary Studies Committee will make the award decision.
The following documents are required:
- A letter of nomination that specifically addresses the intent of the award.
- Evidence of excellence in UIS teaching.
- Letters from colleagues either within or outside of the University of Hartford that address the nominee’s most significant interdisciplinary teaching, scholarship, and service accomplishments (maximum of 3 letters).
- A current curriculum vitae.
Materials should be submitted electronically to Judith Kelly
Deadline for submission of nominations is 3 p.m., Friday March 18, 2022
The Donald W. Davis Award will be presented at May Commencement. The recipient will receive an award medal, $1,000, and recognition in the official Commencement Program.
Previous recipients: Jeremiah Patterson, HAS (’21), Judith Kelly and Tatum Krause, UIS (’20), James McDonald, A&S (’19), Caryn Christensen, A&S (’18), Michael Horwitz, Hillyer (‘17), Sarah Senk, A&S (’16), Nicholas Ealy, A&S (’15), Nels Highberg, A&S (’14), David Pines, CETA (’13), Maria Esposito Frank, A&S (’12), Joan O’Mara, Hillyer (’11), Donn Weinholtz, ENHP (’10), Karen Barrett, ENHP (’09), Harald Sandstrom, A&S (’08), Howard Mayer, Hillyer (’07), Charles Canedy, Barney (’06), Peter Harvey, adjunct (’05), Paul Bugl, A&S (’04), Yvonne Jehenson, A&S (’03), S. Edward Weinswig, ENHP (’02), Donald Sukosky, Hillyer (‘01), Jane Horvath, Hillyer (‘00), Anthony Rauche, Hillyer (‘99), Marcia Seabury, Hillyer (’98), Ralph Aloisi, A&S/ENHP (’97), Douglas Dix, A&S/ENHP (’96), Virginia Hale, A&S (’95), Bill Brayfield, A&S (’94)