Morgan Huntt '25, is a mechanical engineering major with an acoustics concentration and math minor who is doing a summer internship with Phoenix Noise and Vibration (PNV) in Frederick, Maryland. Currently, they are shadowing engineers in the office and gaining impactful hands-on experience in the field.
Huntt knew they wanted to pursue engineering after learning about sound in a high school physics class. UHart's unique acoustics program allowed Huntt to specialize in that industry and also find like-minded students through UHart's Acoustical Society of America (ASA) student chapter. ASA helps connect students passionate about music and engineering with industry professionals.
Huntt is currently the vice president of UHart's ASA chapter, and shared, "I have really enjoyed our meetings, especially when we have a group or company come out to do a presentation. Getting to see applications of our study in the professional world is exciting!"
When reflecting on their experience as an acoustics student, Huntt explained that Dr. Bob Celmer and Dr. Christopher Jasinski have played an integral role in Huntt's academic success.
"The acoustics program has prepared me immensely for working in the field and through it, I have been able to narrow down my interests, prepare a resume, and get experience" they added.
Morgan Huntt '25, Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics Concentration, CETAThe acoustics program has prepared me immensely for working in the field and through it, I have been able to narrow down my interests, prepare a resume, and get experience."
Huntt has been able to put their classroom experience into practice as an intern for PNV. The company provides Acoustic Solutions for transportation noise, environmental noise, room acoustics, vibrations, and more. The opportunity to shadow engineers has helped confirm that acoustics engineering is what they genuinely want to do for a career.
"By the time I am out of college, I will have had a lot of direct experience and knowledge about my field and general engineering processes" Huntt explained.
During the internship, Huntt also attends on-site visits and conducts surveys to gather engineering information and take measurements. These sites can include construction, fields before development, parks, fully constructed buildings, and more.
One challenge Huntt has recognized during their industry experience is the lack of representation and understanding of non-binary/transgender individuals in the workforce. Fortunately, their company has been supportive of Huntt and values their contributions to the field.
"I am trailblazing gender diversity and inclusion in my fields. I am thankful to be interning with a supportive company that supports me through this wonderful opportunity."
As Huntt continues through their program, they look forward to finding more community at UHart and establishing a career in the acoustics industry.