
Amy Bousquet DPT'24

Amy Bousquet DPT'24
Amy Bousquet DPT'24

Amy Bousquet DPT'24 graduated with a doctoral degree in physical therapy from the University of Hartford's College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP) program. While she was at UHart her career trajectory took an exciting turn as she landed a full-time position at Neuro Tour Physical Therapy, touring with Broadway shows prior to graduation. 

Amy's decision to pursue physical therapy was fueled by her love for anatomy and inspired by interactions with therapists throughout her life. The ENHP program equipped her with essential skills and knowledge, including a life-changing clinical rotation. “The school helped me become the best physical therapist I can be,” Amy explains, “and helped me pursue a performing arts-specific clinical rotation that ultimately helped me to get a job offer!” 

During her time at UHart, Amy completed three full-time clinical rotations and two integrated rotations, gaining valuable hands-on experience. “All the skills learned and practiced in class helped me to feel confident and prove my hard work during my clinical rotation,” she says. Amy also conducted research as part of her program requirements, contributing to a published study titled “The Reliability and Concurrent Validity of Goniometric and Visual Estimation in Participants with Unilateral Shoulder Pain” that was published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.  

The connections Amy made with classmates and professors at UHart were invaluable, providing a strong support network. Her favorite aspect of UHart was the sense of community within her program. “I love the community our program built,” she emphasizes. “I felt comfortable approaching any professor within our program and know I could always rely on my classmates for help or guidance!”