The University of Hartford provided Peter Ogrinc '24 the opportunity to blend his passion for art with his interest in engineering. Majoring in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Ceramics, Peter is expected to graduate in 2024.
Peter’s fascination with electrical engineering began in high school, where he participated in Science Olympiad, a competition where student teams compete in various STEM-based events. Peter competed in the electrical event, explaining, “It left me with a lot of technical questions though, so I wanted to pursue that curiosity into college.” After joining the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA) at UHart, he explored options for further learning and involvement that was related to his competition experience.
Research was one project-based option that allowed Peter to develop his engineering skills. Peter recalls working with Dr. Xin Shen of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, to conduct research about “The Neural Indicators of Design Fixation: A fNIRS Pilot Study.” Dr. Shen also assisted Peter with finding industry opportunities that could support his research.
“UHart gave me the connections and knowledge to provide a strong application for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) this summer. Dr. Shen made me aware of the REU programs, encouraged me to apply, and wrote my letter of recommendation for the application. He has given me space to present my work to other students,” he says. According to Peter, “This allowed me to gain enormous experience doing research and gave me insight into what grad school is like.”
After finishing the research, Peter gave a poster presentation at the Biomedical Engineering Society conference in San Antonio the following October.
Outside the classroom, Peter is a member of the Ceramics Club. He recalls that one of his favorite experiences was when the club held its Empty Bowl Sale. “We sold handmade bowls with chili in them, and donated the proceeds to food banks around CT," he explains.
When asked about his favorite aspect of UHart, he shared, “I enjoy most having the flexibility to pursue both an engineering degree and a ceramics minor at UHart. Most other schools limit students to their respective fields, but I’ve found support through both departments in my studies.”
Peter Ogrinc ‘24, Electrical Engineering, Minor in CeramicsUHart gave me the connections and knowledge to provide a strong application for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) this summer. Dr. Shen made me aware of the REU programs, encouraged me to apply, and wrote my letter of recommendation for the application. He has given me space to present my work to other students. This allowed me to gain enormous experience doing research and gave me insight into what grad school is like.