
Andrew Rowley '24

Andrew Rowley '24
Andrew Rowley '24

Andrew Rowley ’24, a Business Analytics and Managerial Economics major with a minor in Management, has always had a natural curiosity for how businesses function. He enjoyed math and logic puzzles in school, and that curiosity translated into an interest in using data to solve real-world business problems. 

It’s a skill Andrew was able to use in his internship at Farmers Insurance, where he conducted research to acquire and build a data sheet on more than 100,000 businesses, compiling data from the internet, databases, and public records into massive data files of over more than 4 million cells. That helps his employer, Barney alum, Ken O’Hara ’04, keep tabs on sales leads for the future. “[Ken] took recognition of my work and ambition," Andrew says. “Not only did he offer me my internship, he allows me to work closely under him as my mentor. I’m learning new skills of office management and concepts of what business really is that I never could have from any classroom.”

The mentorship has been equally rewarding for Ken. “As a small business owner, internships can pose a lot more risk than reward, as a lot of coaching and development time is spent to get them ready for a career,” Ken says. “Time management is much more critical for interns balancing work requirements and schoolwork. A lot of times they can be overwhelmed, but I’m glad to say Andrew is soaking up information like a sponge and is always eager for his next challenge!” 

Fitting courses into his busy internship schedule was a challenge, but Andrew says the Center for Student Success, the Allan Center for Career and Professional Development, and the Barney School of Business were always willing to help. He feels UHart’s small class sizes gave him more opportunities for personal connections and growth. 

“UHart did a great job in helping me achieve my career goals,” Andrew says. “During freshman and sophomore year, the Barney school has students take courses in all aspects of business, which benefited me as I came into school as an undecided business major. I was able to really focus on my courses and figure out my major, while building an understanding for business as a whole. I wasn't pressured to sign up for a major right away.” 

Since freshman year, Andrew has been heavily involved in Greek life on campus. As a member of Alpha Sigma Phi, he has spent much of his time helping the Epsilon Lambda Chapter run smoothly. He held two leadership positions within the organization, including Vice President. He also participates in many intramural sports. 

After receiving his degree this May, Andrew hopes to quickly assume a position at a corporate firm. “It’s not one particular memory that stands out during my time at UHart,” he says, “but the memory of the close bonds I have created with many students in all class years, all with the same goal: to become the best version of ourselves.” 

Andrew’s advice for incoming students? 1. Take advantage of the opportunity to connect and work closely with your professors. 2. The school has so much to offer, but it is up to you to seize the opportunity. 3. You only have a short four years, so focus on mapping out your career and making a plan as soon as possible. 

It’s not one particular memory that stands out during my time at UHart, but the memory of the close bonds I have created with many students in all class years, all with the same goal: to become the best version of ourselves.

Andrew Rowley '24, Barney School of Business