Nicholas Piscitelli '23 is a senior in the Barney School of Business, majoring in Marketing with a double minor in Psychology and Communication. Following graduation, he has already landed a position at NextLevel Consultants.
While a student at UHart, Nicholas completed an internship at Upper Albany Main Street in Hartford. Upper Albany Main Street (UAMS) was established in 2000 as an economic development, community revitalization organization and is now part of the Barney School of Business. This internship ended up inspiring him to pursue his area of study!
“My UHart experience allowed me to get a multi-faceted education in all aspects of business, my current position will highlight those lessons on a managerial level. In addition, my understanding of psychology will help me advertise to different groups of people while communications skills will continue to develop as I grow within the team." He also cites the Center for Student Success as being a helpful resource that he used. He says that UHart prepared him to achieve his career goals by teaching him how to network and create his own brand.
Nicholas additionally credits the important connections he made at UHart as having an impact on his success, including Dean Celia Lofink of Barney. Dean Lofink is the Assistant Dean of the Career Ready Program and Clinical Assistant Professor of Management, who oversees the BAR 211 course. BAR 211 (Exploring and Planning Career Options) allowed Nick to ace the interview process and display his self-confidence. Other impactful connections include Dr. Karen Schmerhorn, Dr. Kristin Comeforo, Dr. Susan Grantham, Professor Randy Jacobs, and his Starbucks crew.
“My favorite memory from UHart is beginning my on-campus job as a barista at Starbucks. The world opened up to me when I met and became friends with coworkers, ultimately leading me to an amazing group of people!” Outside of Starbucks, Nick was also involved on campus as a part of Spectrum, the American Marketing Association, and the Student Philanthropy Association.
Nicholas Piscitelli '23, Barney School of BusinessBe yourself and don’t be afraid to break your comfort zone. When you break your zone, you never know what could come.