Emma Brown, a first-year student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions, has published her research in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Journal, a prestigious scientific journal. Emma started the research as an undergraduate in the University's honors program and earned her BS in Health Sciences in 2021 before continuing into the DPT program.
Emma's research project examines how the arts can effectively enhance physical therapy practice. Her manuscript is titled “Including Arts in Rehabilitation Enhances Outcomes in the Psychomotor, Cognitive, and Affective Domains: A Scoping Review.”
“This is a huge accomplishment to be published in Physical Therapy Journal as a tenure track professor, let alone as a student,” noted Mary Gannotti, professor of physical therapy. Gannotti is a co-author of Brown’s manuscript along with Diana Veneri of Sacred Heart University.
“I am so grateful to have had this wonderful opportunity thanks to the Honors Program and the support of my professors,” Emma said. “It was a great learning experience and it’s so exciting to see the work published.”
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Journal is the official scientific journal of the American Physical Therapy Association and has a circulation of more than 100,000. Read the abstract of Emma’s research here.
Emma Brown, BS/DPT StudentI am so grateful to have had this wonderful opportunity thanks to the Honors Program and the support of my professors. It was a great learning experience and it’s so exciting to see the work published.”