Serina Gelinas ’21, a civil engineering major in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA), knew she wanted to attend the University of Hartford since she was 11 years old. It was at the age of 14 when she realized she wanted to be a civil engineer.
This summer, Gelinas was offered the opportunity to volunteer in the engineering department at the Veteran Affairs (VA) in West Haven, Conn. She has been included in the preliminary planning meetings for their new clinical and surgical tower, projected to be completed in 2028. “These meetings showed how every department that was moving into the tower worked together, how they were positioned now, and how they wanted to operate in the new space and make their processes more efficient,” she says.
Gelinas was also given the opportunity to observe a crane pick at an active construction site. The construction site was an extension of a generator building on the VA West Haven campus, and the crane was lifting pieces into place for two new fuel tanks. “I had the opportunity to see where several new projects were proposed to be, how a construction project impacts the operations of the hospital, and how the engineering department works together with the hospital to avoid as many interruptions as possible, though sometimes they were unavoidable.”
Serina Gelinas ’21, civil engineeringUHart not only gave me the opportunity to major in engineering, but it also enabled me to minor in dance, which was a hard combination to find. If you feel you need help, don’t be afraid to ask.”
Gelinas credits much of her success to Professor Alan Hadad and Associate Professor Hashini Mohottala. They have been helpful to her inside and outside the classroom.
Along with her impressive experience, Gelinas is very involved on campus. She is a member of the Society of Women Engineers UHart section, as well as Hillel, University of Hartford’s Jewish life center. Gelinas has worked as a student worker in CETA’s student services office, offering assistance to CETA staff and students. While pursuing engineering, she keeps her love for dance alive as a participant in the Hartt School Community Division Dance Program and stays active in an adult gymnastics program at a local gym.