Eva Von Dell ’21, an acoustical engineering and music major in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA), worked as an Acoustics Intern with Cerami & Associates in New York City over the summer of 2019.
From looking at initial plans for buildings to doing testing on ones that have already been built, this internship allowed her to experience the full scope of what it means to be an acoustical consultant. Eva’s work in the office consisted of various tasks, some of which includes looking at architectural plans to check partition types, using mechanical plans to calculate the noise levels of air handling units, and organizing a fabric sample database. Outside the office, she attended on-site visits to conduct measurements and look to see if her team’s recommendations can be implemented.
Eva Von Dell ’21, BSE, Acoustical Engineering and MusicSo many of the employees at Cerami studied acoustics at the University of Hartford that it created a very welcoming atmosphere. Having that similar background helped me to relate what I’d learned in school to everything that I learned while working at Cerami.