It wasn’t just a UHart education that helped Katelyn Leach land a job before graduation, it was the internships that set the stage for her future success. As a student in the Barney School of Business, Katelyn worked hard in the classroom, but also out of the classroom in the real working-world. She is finishing her degree in Accounting, Finance, and Business Analytics & Managerial Economics and beginning the next steps in her professional career.
Soon she will begin a position as an assurance associate at PricewaterhourseCoopers (PwC). She says, “UHart prepared me for this opportunity by not only teaching me the knowledge needed to succeed in my field, but also the interaction/networking skills needed to flourish.”
As part of the Barney curriculum, students are required to participate in an internship prior to graduation. Katelyn help three different internships throughout her four years at UHart. She says that “the first (internship) was a municipal auditing internship at Garbarini & Co in NJ. The second was a tax internship at Whittlesey P.C. in Hartford, CT.” Finally, she interned with PwC this past summer and was offered the permanent position at the completion of her summer internship.
According to Katelyn, “My favorite thing about UHart is how invested the staff are in watching you succeed. Many of the faculty at the Barney School of Business were there every step of the way with me!” In the same way that she built relationships during her internships, Katelyn believes she built professional relationships with many of her professors. She says “I know I will stay in touch.”
Support by the Barney faculty encouraged and inspired Katelyn’s academic career. “I have met so many people that have inspired me to be great. I have also made friendships that helped me always stay motivated and focused on my end goal,” she says.
What advice does she have to incoming students looking to pursue a Barney experience? “Always stay committed on your decision, but be flexible with your approach. There will be obstacles to overcome on the journey to accomplish your dreams but it is your job to still push forward until you get to the finish line.”
For Katelyn, the finish line at UHart means the beginning of a new career at PwC. It allows her the opportunity to apply what she learned in the classroom to the professional world outside the University. She is grateful for the encouragement and direction, saying, “Thank you for all the guidance and support, UHart and Barney!”
Katelyn Leach '21,My favorite thing about UHart is how invested the staff are in watching you succeed. Many of the faculty at the Barney School of Business were there every step of the way with me!