When Yavana Ganesh first declared her dual degrees in chemistry and politics and government, along with an environmental studies minor, she was unsure of what her future career would be. However, with the help of UHart’s supportive, connected, and resourceful faculty, she was able to find a path that would integrate her dual interests.
In an honors seminar course last year, Yavana saw a presentation from a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) scientist on the topic of chemical and biological weapons and immediately knew that was what she wanted to do. The PNNL is located in Richland, Washington, and Yavana will be putting her education to work for the greater good as a research associate in the Chemical and Biological Weapons group, a part of the National Security Department.
According to Yavana, “I have always wanted my work to help improve the environment and I am excited to work for a company that promotes this. I have always wanted to use my knowledge of chemistry to bridge the information gap between science and policymaking within the United States.”
She says she feels as though there are many scientific decisions that are made without the consultation of a scientist, and she’s excited to be conducting research and forming policies next year. “This job is the perfect mix of everything that I have wanted to do!”
Yavana intends to work for PNNL for two years before pursuing a PhD in public policy.
Yavana Ganesh '20, Chemistry, Politics and Government, and Environmental Studies (minor)When I first declared my dual degrees in chemistry and politics and government, along with an environmental studies minor, I was really unsure of what my future career would be. However, with the help of our amazingly supportive faculty members, I was able to find a path that would integrate my dual interests.