
Afam Chiagoro ’18

Afam Chiagoro Headshot

Recent graduate finds great success from the Electrical Engineering program in CETA for his career.

Afam Chiagoro ’18 has always enjoyed electronics and understanding how electricity works. He found great success through the Electrical Engineering program in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA) and was hired within ten days of graduating.

Today, as a power distribution electrical engineer for Genesis Engineers, Chiagoro works on power systems for pharmaceutical buildings and laboratory facilities and is involved on different projects to bring power and electricity to these buildings. This experience has made him intrigued to learn how electrical circuits are connected.

The curriculum at the University of Hartford did prepare me to work within the industrial world. I was fortunate to work with so many CETA professors who were passionate about teaching, sharing hands-on learning experiences, and explaining how many electrical aspects work. My experience through CETA, especially, was the foundation for the basic knowledge I needed to succeed in this field.

Afam Chiagoro ’18, BSEE