
Faculty Resources

The UHart Career Studio is dedicated to creating engaging opportunities for our students to “Explore, Prepare, and Launch” into their careers in partnership with UHart’s talented and dedicated faculty.  

Below are some UHart Career Studio FAQ’s and resources. We encourage you share your career “Explore-Prepare-Launch" ideas with the community by emailing and the Career Team will add them to this list.  

What is Handshake? How should I share employment and internship opportunities with UHart students?   

Handshake is UHart’s online career management system, providing details of upcoming events, internship and job listings, and other career-building resources for UHart students. Each student has a free Handshake account that allows for them to explore opportunities and follow employers, industries, etc. 

UHart faculty are connected to a variety of employers and alumni, many of whom want to help our students with exciting internships and job opportunities. The UHart Career Studio team is here to help you develop an engagement plan, post opportunities on Handshake and on our social media platforms (@uhartcareer), and to create engaging speaking opportunities and student engagement events. 

When you learn of internships, co-operative education, special project teams, career-informing career experiences, and job opportunities, you can: 

UHart Career Competencies through Campus Experiences

Career ready student and faculty

As faculty, students reach out to you looking for additional ways to connect their majors to potential career pathways. The Career Studio promotes students becoming career ready through achieving specific career competencies. UHart has developed career competencies based on research from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and UHart’s educational learning outcomes.  

There are several ways to support student engagement in career-informing opportunities.  
Below are a few suggestions: 

  • Ask students to use Handshake to explore jobs, industries, organizations and events that align with their major, skills or interests.    
  • Encourage students to explore UHart Clubs, Organizations and Activities. Participation in and leadership of campus activities is one of the best ways for students to build and strengthen career competencies.  
  • Offer extra credit assignments with career exploration and preparation as the focus: 
    • Encourage the development of a LinkedIn profile.  
    • Require attendance at a campus event to reinforce networking and interpersonal skills.   
  • Encourage exploration of Career Studio programs and events

Introduce Students to Professional Societies and Associations

Introducing students to professional societies and associations helps them leverage opportunities to expand their network, identify a professional mentor, and learn about internship and job opportunities.  

The UHart Career Studio collaborates with several professional groups, including: 

Are you affiliated with a professional society or association you’d like to introduce to the UHart community/students?   

If so, please contact the Office of Career and Professional Development at

Have an idea about how to collaborate with the UHart Career Studio? Have a question? 

Email us at: or stop by the Career Studio in Gengras Student Union