It’s been a busy fall semester in the Career Studio.
The Office of Career and Professional Development hosted several unique opportunities for UHart students to connect with alumni, employers, and even jumpstart their careers!
Fall Career Studio Highlights
On Thursday, Sept. 28, the Office of Career and Professional Development held their first career fair of the semester. Over 40 companies representing many different fields were in attendance, including General Dynamics Electric Boat, the United States Secret Service, and USI Insurance Services. Among the 320 students attending, two were lucky enough to receive job offers within 24 hours! Many borrowed clothes from the Career Closet on their way in and received professional headshots on their way out.
A special thank you to the 19 alumni who came to represent their companies! We hope you all enjoyed your time back on campus. Career fairs are always an exciting time for students to grow their network and learn more about great career options.
A Networking Mixer was held on Friday, Oct. 13, where 30 students mingled with six alumni to practice their networking skills, ask questions about life after college, and learn how the alums got to where they are today. The casual and intimate atmosphere of the event helped students feel as comfortable as possible while they honed their skills.
From a boutique hotel owner to an organic farmer, students and alumni alike used their imagination to step into the shoes of a professional in a randomized industry at the Mocktails event. Students had to use the skills they’ve learned to further their “career.” The alumni then provided students with feedback on how to improve.
To round out the month, on October 30, seven alumni from the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP) came to give career advice to current students at the ENHP Career Panel. The panel was made up of health care workers and educators who discussed their career paths and the challenges they have faced in their industries.
Students, check out the Career and Professional Development Events and Programs web page to see all upcoming events.
Alumni, are you at a point in your career where you can share some of your knowledge with current students? The Career and Professional Development Office is seeking new alumni volunteers for upcoming student events, including résumé review clinics, career panels, and professional etiquette dinners.
Reach out to Anthony Eulie to learn more about becoming a volunteer.