
UHart’s Formula Society of Automotive Engineers Team Led by Students from Different Majors

people standing infront of racecar
FSAE Team for 2019-20 Academic Year

The University of Hartford offers a comprehensive and unique experience for its students. With seven dynamic schools and colleges, students have the opportunity to get involved on campus as early as their first year and easily meet other students from different majors. Students are also encouraged to join clubs and organizations outside of their major to gain additional experience, meet other students, and build a well-rounded background. This is very true for UHart’s Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE) chapter. FSAE is made up of a group of highly dedicated individuals who spend a significant amount of time during the school year designing, building, and ultimately racing a Formula SAE race car. Every year in May, a new race car takes part in an international competition sanctioned by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International). 

FSAE is one of the many clubs on campus that is led by students of different majors. This year’s e-board members include Mason Holt ’21, an electromechanical engineering technology major in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA) and the president and captain of FSAE; Jacob Bussell ’22, a business management major in the Barney School of Business and the vice president and co-captain of FSAE; and Alexis Cook ’22, a ceramics and painting/drawing double major in the Hartford Art School and the treasurer of FSAE.

As president/captain of the UHart Formula SAE team, having a diverse e-board allows us to think differently and tackle problems through different points of view. The FSAE competition is not only an engineering competition but also a business competition and a design competition. Having our e-board make up each part of the competition allows us to home in on each aspect of the competition to produce a well-engineered, cost effective, and elegant but functional race car.

Mason Holt ’21, BS, Electromechanical Engineering Technology

The three members enjoy and value working with students from other majors. According to Jacob, it is an exciting opportunity to be able to “implement basic business management principles at an operational level while working with the students pursuing engineering” on the team. He says these students can provide the engineering and technical knowledge in an atmosphere that simulates a real career situation that is effective and extremely rewarding.

Alexis is also in a unique position pursuing an art major but also being the treasurer of FSAE. She says her role as treasurer fits extremely well and has offered her great experience because “no one knows how to stretch a dollar more than an art major.” She was excited to join FSAE to help the team spread its awareness more on campus through fundraisers and events. She has also done a tremendous amount of work designing flyers and planning events for the team. 

Mason finds it rewarding to work with students who think differently than an engineer. He loves the opportunity to collaborate as a team and have everyone learn new techniques and skills from one another “that they may not learn in their schools or Colleges. It’s a learning experience for all of us.”

This year’s FSAE exemplifies how successful students of different majors can work together toward a goal. In addition, this experience helps students excel at internships and future employment opportunities. Ultimately at UHart, you really can experience it all. Learn more about the University’s student life, clubs, activities, and more here.

For Media Inquiries

Stephanie Fengler