Bernard H. Rosen Endowed Scholar

Kailyn Pierce ’26, a sophomore from New Britain, Connecticut, attends the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions at the University of Hartford, where she is studying to become a nurse. She is a proud recipient of the Bernard H. Rosen Endowed Scholarship, which provides financial assistance to UHart students who are graduates of New Britain High School.
Pierce says that without the scholarship she would not have been able to attend a four-year university. Like a number of her hometown friends and classmates, she had initially been encouraged to attend a community college. “The Bernard H. Rosen Endowed Scholarship made it possible for me to pursue my passion to attend UHart and study to become a nurse.”
Although education had always been important to her, the high school years were fraught with emotional and logistical difficulties due to illness in the family. Her father had to be hospitalized for an extended period of time. That had an adverse effect on her academic standing. School suddenly ceased to be a priority. Her father’s condition also sparked financial troubles. Furthermore, the pandemic affected her ability to visit colleges and universities.
“At that point, even my family told me to just go to a community college. But at the same time, I started to appreciate life a little more and told myself I needed to work hard, improve my grades, and strive for success. Also, because of my father’s situation, I reached the decision to become a nurse. That’s when I knew I had to attend a four-year university.”
She eventually was able to visit the West Hartford campus, after which she received news of her scholarship. Combined, that made the choice an easy one.
In addition to the career-focused academics at school, Pierce is also appreciative of the lively campus experience, the great friendships she has built with her roommates, the accessibility of highly-respected professors, and many other benefits of university life.
Pierce credits several instructors as well as her student advisor with helping her stay inspired, keep on track, and find whatever guidance and assistance she needs. Her growth as a UHart student has been significant. “I have gained more independence and have learned how to handle so many tasks,” she says proudly.
She also applied for and was offered a position at Hartford Hospital, where she is a Certified Nursing Assistant in the neuro unit for pre- and post-op surgery. Her career goal is become a Registered Nurse in the labor, delivery, and NICU units.