2020–21 Pratt & Whitney Scholar

For Grace Sierra '22, earning the Pratt & Whitney Scholarship resparked her inspiration for pursuing her dream of a career in mechanical engineering. This scholarship has allowed Sierra to invest her money into necessary materials for her studies, such as textbooks and engineering paper.
Sierra was first named a Pratt & Whitney Scholar in the 2020–21 academic year, and is among the three College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology (CETA) students who were again named Scholars for the 2021–22 academic year, joining a total cohort of 10 fellow CETA students with this honor.
When asked what advice she would share with future students interested in pursuing mechanical engineering, Sierra says to work hard, never give up, and do not be afraid to fail.
"You will learn more from your failures than you will with your successes. Do not second guess your own knowledge; as you progress through your program at UHart, you will see that you know more than you realize."