2019–20 Recipient of the Gary '85 and Peggy Masse Endowed Scholarship and Dr. Richard G. Clarke/Sean Associates Inc. Scholarship

Scholarships, and philanthropy in general, mean creating opportunities for those who may not have access otherwise, due to situations outside of their control. Even what may seem a small amount to some means a lot to students pursuing their education. The stress and worry of debt are eased thanks to the generosity of UHart donors.
At UHart, I have learned to always be honest and to never be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. At times, I found myself extremely stressed and struggling to finish assignments, and was reluctant to ask my professors for help, not knowing how understanding or supportive they would be.
I plan to work as a biomedical engineer for a medical device company or hospital before continuing on to graduate school for biomechanics to research musculoskeletal injury prevention.