Visual Communication Design
Hartford Art Schoolnordyke@hartford.edu 860.768.5019 HJG E206C
MFA, Graphic Design, Rhode Island School of Design
BA, Graphic Design and Art History, Purdue University
Before attending RISD, Nordyke was a designer in Chicago for many recognized brands and institutions while spending a summer in Yale University’s design program in Brissago, Switzerland. As an independent design consultant he produced client and personal work that received recognition from American Center for Design, Type Directors Club, University and College Designers Association, American Institute of Graphic Arts, American Corporate Identity, and the American Graphic Design Awards for which he twice received Best of Typography.
His work has been exhibited widely and published in many books and journals. He received the honor of being selected as a Master Designer by the U.S. Mint, and his drawing for the Nevada state quarter was a finalist. His thoughts on design education appeared as an article in UCDA’s Designer, and an authored interactive assignment appeared in Loop, AIGA’s journal of interactive design education.
- GR8 Show, Connecticut Art Director’s Club, Kehler Liddel Gallery: New Haven, Conn.
- Conference for Society of Applied Anthropology: Baltimore, Breda, K; MacGregor, B; Nordyke
- University & College Designers Association: Minneapolis, Minn.
- Identity: Best of the Best Design and Advertising Exhibition: Moscow, Russia
- Connecticut Art Directors Club: Hartford, Conn.
- Connecticut Art Directors Club: Branford, Conn.
- AIGA Get Out the Vote poster campaign:
- Denver Art Museum, Walker Art Center, National Design Center, Minnesota Museum of American Art
- Drake University, Maine College of Art, Moore College of Art & Design, UW–Milwaukee
- University & College Designers Association, Savannah, Ga.
- Gallery 214, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Ill.
- Fellow, National Council of Arts Administrators
- American Graphic Design and Advertising 27
- University & College Designers Association
- American Graphic Design and Advertising 26
- American Graphic Design & Advertising 25
- University & College Designers Association
- Bright Ideas in Graphic Design, Bright Books
- LogoLounge 6, Published by Rockport
- Graphis Logo 8, Published by Graphis
- Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Design Logos and Building Brands, Published by Rockport
- Basic Logos, Published by Index Books, Spain
- LogoLounge Master Library: Initials and Crests
- Inspiring Design, University and College Designers Association
- Communication Arts, Design Annual
- American Graphic Design and Advertising 25, Published by Harper Collins
- American Corporate Identity, Published by Harper Collins
- Graphis Logo 7, Published by Graphis
- American Corporate Identity
- Inspiring Design, University & College Designers Association
- Designer Vol. 33, No. 2., Published by University and College Designers Association
- GDUSA October issue
- Print “Stack the Vote”
- Print Regional Design Annual
- Below the Fold, Vol. 1, No. 4, Summer, “The ACD 100 Issue”
- American Corporate Identity
- Designer, Vol. 31, No. 4. Published by University and College Designer’s Association
- Fingerprint: The Art of Using Hand-made Elements in Graphic Design, edited by Chen Design Associates