Storm Advisory
Due to forecast snow and ice, the University of Hartford will be closed on Thursday, Feb. 6. Day and evening classes are canceled. Please note that when campus closing prevents an in-person class from meeting at its scheduled time, professors may opt to conduct classes or provide assignments online. Students should check Blackboard and their email to learn of any alternate arrangements. Online courses are not affected by campus closings.

Scot MacCluggage

Scot MacCluggage headshot

Printmaking Technician

Printmaking, Dean's Office for Art

Hartford Art School
860.768.4222 V 118

BFA, Printmaking, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford

Scot MacCluggage was born in Hartford, Connecticut, and raised in Manchester, Connecticut. He received his BFA from the Hartford Art School in 1992. Since 2001, he has been the printmaking technician at the Hartford Art School and also has taught lithography and Issues in Art Making courses. His work has been shown at Gallery on the Green, Vanguard Gallery, and Joseloff Gallery.