Associate Professor of Illustration
Hartford Art Schoolcalabrese@hartford.edu 860.768.5056 HJG E 302G davidcalabrese.com
MFA, Interactive Design & Game Development, Savannah College of Art and Design, 2006
BFA, Illustration, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford, 2003
David Calabrese is interested in narrative illustration, traditional and electronic games, film, and fantasy illustration for entertainment markets. He worked in the commercial field as a studio artist, animator, and illustrator with industry developers such as EA Games, Clear Crown Studios, Magic Gaming, and Left Brain Games.
The various studios, clients, and industries he has worked for lent him broad knowledge of professional practices. His artwork has appeared in games such as Shattered Suns, Charm Girls Club: Design Time & Charming Matches, Rainforest Quest, University of You, Super Swarm Smash, and Dragon Defense.
Since 2017, David has taught Drawing For Animation, 3-D Illustration, 3-D Animation, and Animation Project for the Illustration department at Hartford Art School.