Associate Professor of Music Education; Chair of Music Education
Music Education
The Hartt Schoolhaston@hartford.edu 860.768.5526 F 400A
PhD, Northwestern University
MM, University of Texas- El Paso
BM, University of Texas- El Paso
Dr. Warren Haston is Associate Professor of Music Education, Program Chair for Undergraduate Music Education, and Director of Summerterm at The Hartt School, University of Hartford. He holds a Ph.D. in Music Education from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, a Master of Music in Performance-Conducting and a Bachelor of Music Education, with High Honors, from the University of Texas—El Paso.
Dr. Haston taught all levels of band in Texas, and Fairfax, Virginia for 9 years. Active as a clinician, adjudicator, saxophonist, and conductor, his research interests include teacher education, teacher identity, and instrumental pedagogy. He has presented papers at state, regional, national, and international conferences; and published articles in the Journal of Research in Music Education, the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, the Music Educators Journal, Arts Education Policy Review, and the Journal of Music Teacher Education. He served on the Editorial Committee of the Music Educators Journal, and currently serves on the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Music Teacher Education. He is the author of the instructional DVD, “Modeling for Band: Efficient Teaching and Authentic Learning,” published by GIA, Publications, Inc. He is the National Co-Chair for the Music Teacher Socialization Area for Strategic Planning and Action, a working group for the Society for Music Teacher Education.